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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. I think you are on your own on this .... IT says what it was able to say and even heavier language than expected ... this puts Boris Johnson back under the cosh ... are you watching some of the responses on the news ?
  2. Some staff wanted to raise concerns about behaviours they witnessed at work but at times felt unable to do so. No member of staff should feel unable to report or challenge poor conduct where they witness it Bullying ?
  3. Met looking at all the gatherings bar 4 ...... @Ozanne hows our bet looking ?
  4. Alternatively lots of people watched the Alex bit of the set only ... like me
  5. ive said all along to just let her do the report ... nothing highly strung there Barry ... please dont make things up about me that frankly arent true
  6. Hope so … really need Rebecca Pow to do one here 😞
  7. Ash dieback … ? I know they were having to cut quite a lot back
  8. I posted almost exactly the same on the headliner thread
  9. They are all picking up from each other ..
  10. Quite keen to get him and set to perform are pretty different statements aren’t they ?
  11. Or read on here … all these rumours become a source that has more credibility based on them feeding off each other
  12. I’m not sure the due a wet one works though … it’s not relevant what we had previously . Clean slate for 2022 that’s how weather works isn’t it ?
  13. Yeah I’m not sure Emily is making comments like that ?
  14. I actually don’t have any specific notifications set up … this site does the job just fine
  15. could have just linked to this the wording is very similar ? https://www.london4europe.co.uk/counting_the_cost_of_leaving_the_internal_energy_market
  16. The Somerset levels haven't flooded yet this year ... which is fairly rare in my memory
  17. its been warm at festival time the last 2 years hasnt it ?
  18. Rafa .... can he do it ? he bloody can you know .... amazing
  19. can we get a page complete before the doomster comments of typhoons and tropical storms arrive ? welcome back to the weather thread 🙂 its been a while
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