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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. I was tagged in a post on fb at the lockups by @Funkyfairy! With my hat on 🙂 the lockup organiser said we were nice customers and it went from there … so maybe that might be my destiny 🙂 thanks very much for the info … I kind of just assumed the workers camped around the individual lockups and wasn’t aware they were in dairy .
  2. I take a box of cereal as its light and milk is readily available from the shop and tractor .... that one is quite an easy win ... I tend to take a bit more food than id like as carb content isnt so easy to figure with unusual foods and easy with a packet
  3. whatever they do ... Its clearly not working 🙂 fatboy slim wants a word 🙂
  4. Ok so I’m type 1 so it’s going to be different … but there are some handy apps that will tell you the carbs of many things … look up carb and Cals app in your App Store … for me that weekend I try and see it as a bit of a blow out and manage carefully at other times … I’m not sure but it’s worth discussion with your diabetes team … for me I just inject more if my sugars are high … can you do that with tablets ? Also bare in mind the significant amount of walking which might well counteract some of the effects of extra sugar intake … and that some alcoholic drinks might take sugars up and then they might plunge when the alcohol kicks In … depending on your tipple … might be worth an experiment in controled circumstances now to see the effects of different types of alcohol on you
  5. Wow I didn’t realise Calvin Klein made branded cushions
  6. So I’ve gone from this to the lower pic so far ? Any suggestions in terms of design and planting ? It gets the sun in the afternoon
  7. im attempting to dig some footings for a patio .... I did 1 hour , achieved not a great deal and am now wondering if its worth me doing it for the sake of my dodgy back . Ive got a completely blank canvas of a garden as i moved in a few months back and not a clue about gardening 🙂
  8. Out of interest what sort of shift patterns do the lockup people do ? And what benefits are there if this work ? I’m on a reserve list so I’m interested to hear your experiences .
  9. Just a quick bump for this … we will need to get some confirmation soon … and it would probably be fair to say that the more active you are on the forum the more people will be inclined to help … 150 days to the festival folks 😀
  10. Wow … will a redacted report drive more I’ll feeling and rebellion though ? I mean his mps probably will feel the heat from constituents if it’s all hidden away
  11. Yeah I agree but would have thought that if he’s going to be ditched that momentum and numbers would have organised themselves by now … the report won’t actually change anyones views ….
  12. Yeah it does in terms of rebellions … I don’t see what these MPs think this report is going to find that will make them change their minds either way … quite possible that a credible alternative hasn’t come forward because they don’t want the PM job at this stage ?
  13. Ok so maybe some other breaking news before that to put Boris on the back foot for Pmqs . Definately wouldn’t want to be sue gray right now
  14. I’d suggest that someone might want to take a lead and suggest a venue and time … maybe a bit far from the festival yet …
  15. Ok back on topic now … when do we think the report will arrive ? Before or after pmqs ?
  16. Ok can we call a truce to hostilities here … achieves absolutely nothing and is completely pointless . .anything in the Sunday papers of interest ?
  17. Just me although it might have logged me out
  18. Read your posts back … chill and crack open a beer 🍺
  19. Tom tbh reading your posts today you seem to be on a high horse too … chill a little … you have a different view but arguing this at 9pm on a sat night seems a little counter productive . You won’t achieve anything by falling out with people
  20. We cared about the American election didn’t we ? Someone caring about a birthplace is not unreasonable is it ?
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