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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. Might not wanna piss of Melvin now though ? Wonder if that has an impact having him on board
  2. Imminent to when that post was tweeted by the top tips
  3. Virtual meet weekend ... tonite from 8 link to follow ... as ever all welcome
  4. Can they recreate this image in the grass ready for the webcam turn on ? They must know by now it’s broken / turned off … so it’s either being used as an announcement tool or we aren’t getting it back 😞
  5. Welcome aboard 🙂 as you already know it all picks up from here 🙂
  6. I’m thinking mine might be … during the pandemic I had quite a few sleepless nights … ( without mentioning the vaccine rollout ) how are you sleeping at the moment ?
  7. It’s out of date now … so hope he has the runs ..,.
  8. So if Boris was in your town today what question would you ask him ?
  9. I answered the question Fray asked .. if by doing so I accidentally strayed into covid I’ll hold my hands up and say yep I accidentally switched the convo that way fair enough Barry you are correct
  10. I think this might be another one we disagree on !! … anyway Boris .. or we get too covidey here …
  11. I already have one … and have done for quite some time but thanks for the advice … in many ways I’m delighted about the restrictions being dropped of course and happy people don’t have to wear masks that they don’t like … higher community prevelance will and does make things more risky and yes I’ve had my 3 doses and trust the vaccine .. but untill you’ve had it and are recovered you still don’t quite know . Anyway back to Boris … had a wander and couldn’t find him ..
  12. I’m not entirely sure at this stage .. maybe asked him what his plans are for the vulnerable in society now he’s thrown us under a bus ?
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