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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. Damn … I used to be able to remember it to at least 3 more decimal places … but now it’s a few less than I thought
  2. PMqs is at 3 with Angela rayner standing in for Kier starmer … who’s had 4 isolations and now covid for the second time … I do wonder how many times Boris has had it / needed to isolate ?
  3. Crazyfool01

    Campsite Poll

    Yep there’s free property lockups .. donate at the end.. run by charities … bloody amazing https://www.glastonburyfestivals.co.uk/information/advice/property-lock-ups/
  4. Yeah soz I’ll stop 🛑 fair comment
  5. No disagreement with the bottom part although unfortunately that’s gonna take a minimum of 5 years to happen if they started now .. turn off the testing means that the vulnerable such as myself become surrounded by people who have no idea they are transmitting it and the risk increases massively . It doesn’t hide itself if we stop testing it just becomes less of an economic issue
  6. We are testing whilst the wave significantly impacts the nhs and the vulnerable … the waves should impact less as time goes on as is proving to be the case so far … we aren’t at the stage yet … where things completely return to normal or the nhs would be entirely fucked … what else do you want us to stop testing for ? If it causes society or individuals an issue it should be tested for … we test for many things …
  7. im blaming you ... for trying to put everyone off 🙂
  8. crumbs ... where's everyone been hiding ?
  9. Steer clear of the mallets it gives gut rot … on a serious note I don’t think I’ve ever needed a mallet although the year with the biodegradable tent pegs it might have helped possibly ? One extra thing you don’t need to carry
  10. Crazyfool01

    Campsite Poll

    I don’t know …. Maybe once it’s dried out it will be fine ? I mean the dead stuff
  11. Yeah same .. by the Sunday I’m a dead man walking (with a stupid hat )
  12. Crazyfool01

    Campsite Poll

    Dutch elm disease has hit the farm .... I wonder if they make use of that wood somehow .... think the railway track is going to be light of trees for a few years
  13. Crazyfool01

    Campsite Poll

    And Pangea will be bloody incredible based on the fact we only saw version 1 .... they will have sorted the dangly ball issue im sure , they might even finish the Pier on time ....
  14. Crazyfool01

    Campsite Poll

    Might well be some SE corner changes ..... 🙂
  15. Crazyfool01

    Campsite Poll

    Or just sat round campfires burning paper cups and finding randoms appear with instruments and waves of bollocks being shouted around site
  16. Back to the focus groups with that one I think
  17. Crazyfool01

    Campsite Poll

    When did Arcadia or the afterburner appear in the SE corner ? I’d like to think it was early in my festival Days … the south east corner existed as lost vagueness early on but I get muddled as to when … Yes definately on the park … edit just seen the map … is the area inside the fence significantly bigger ? Taking out the park arrival
  18. Crazyfool01

    Campsite Poll

    Is there a gif to show how the festival has grown over the years … ? I’ve been going since 02 and can’t remember it having grown much since then … apart from the obvious worthy view … the issue is that people use bigger and bigger tents these days ( guilty ) hence the active discouragement of gazebos a few years ago … in my early festivals these weren’t a problem
  19. This isn’t the covid thread … take your bed wetting shit back there … 99.141529654 %
  20. Purchased some sealskinz waterproof socks .... and wondered how long before we see the weather thread make an appearance ...
  21. Crazyfool01

    Campsite Poll

    just offer a cider / beer to neighbours ..... help them with tent if they are struggling ..... Its all good from there wherever you pitch up
  22. or maybe just a bounce because hes been hiding away for 10 days abroad...... maybe they should permanently shut him inn a fridge and see what happens ?
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