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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. I kind of agree but also think the festival might just do it to keep the interest up .... otherwise its quite a long time between announcements .... its big with its social media these days
  2. im in need of something ..... next week .... clearly nothing getting restricted (yet) so no reason not to announce now ?
  3. normally April .... but its likely to be March now based on balance payment window being brought forward ... although we dont have a date confirmed as yet .... it might make life easier for people to plan for summer after if they are unsuccessful in resale ... which we have in hand 🙂
  4. I love them … even better when I worked out that you can move them about and don’t have to use them walking backwards 🙂
  5. yeah I saw post on the website wishlist and problems .... the site is definately running at its best since restore ... Nice one @Neil
  6. Saw this yesterday … is it any of you lot ? Things heading in the right direction still
  7. Do you deliver once out of quarunteen ? It’s a short stroll to Somerset isn’t it ? 🙂
  8. They just need to get them from an Asda store cupboard where we have boxes and boxes of them … so few of us are testing 😞 probably the only reason we don’t have massive absence
  9. email adresss in post 1 of this thread to contact .... its not live yet but im sure @vintagelaureate will be making it live soon for people to check details
  10. Some shoots of optimism here folks keep them coming the spreadsheet is gonna turn green 🙂
  11. Thanks for this im sure many of us will appreciate it .... @eFestivals is it possible to open DMS as ive also something that i need to get in touch with you about ... no desperate hurry for it , just didnt realise they were closed .
  12. figures quoted are 10k in a standard resale although im not sure where that figure actually came from .... but over 2 years I wouldn't say thats an unreasonable number ...
  13. nice and from what ive seen the wedding photographer is pretty bloody good .... hope it all goes off successfully and all the important guests are in hiding
  14. ive said all along I think we will get a decent resale pot others disagree .... demand might be a bit higher than a usual resale maybe depends how much the festival feel they need to push the resale
  15. I went outside to go to my car this morning and one of my neighbours shouted at me ... just behind my car was a guy lying on the floor entangled in his pushbike on the pavement .... my neighbour had called 999 and waited 10 mins to get through but told me an ambulance was on the way .... meanwhile we established the guy was breathing and had a pulse. eventually after pinching him a couple of times as he wasn't stirring any other way . I managed to rouse him and he untangled himself from his bike and staggered up ....I asked him to sit on my neighbours wall but he staggered at me and I stopped him falling he then gave me some verbals for touching him grabbed his bike and staggered off down the road .... The good news is hes likely ok .... but things are gonna hurt today unless the alcohol cushioned the blow
  16. our own hill climb in the hills of devon near Tiverton overlooking the Exe ... cant upload photo for some reason ? .
  17. Yeah same for everyone I think … it seems to take a couple of attempts often to access different pages within the forums sometimes I get the 500 error , sometimes the page just doesn’t load
  18. Powerful words around this time of year
  19. I think touch wood the family have managed to avoid the covid fortunately ... definately the xmas day weather was the worst I can remember though ... ah well onwards .... hopefully those with covid will be fine , im gobsmacked ive avoided it but only a matter of time ... hope you can just delay things a little ..... Im thinking about a new TV to cheer myself up
  20. I drive to my parents for the day so don’t bother … for me its tough being single at Xmas without kids so I don’t get any kind of excited buzz. It is nice to get 2 days off in a row though … so I can chill a little after madness of preceding week . Onwards to the resale now … that Will be the only present I’m wanting
  21. Good news only 1 hour left … I bloody hate Xmas
  22. We even allow isolators along that’s how nice we are 🙂
  23. it does indeed ... they made a list and I checked it twice and still missed it .... duh apologies BBC
  24. unfortunately it made number 1 .... appalling article from BBC to not mention number 2 though https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-59762286
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