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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. ive heard mentions of Kasabian cant remember where
  2. Crazyfool01

    NFR NFC 24

    That I’m not sure of … probably the latter
  3. They’ve got a London gig at scala if you are anywhere near that . Still to figure out if I’m going or not but was told capacity is 900 . Nov 5th . Usually they tour around that time
  4. Crazyfool01

    NFR NFC 24

    Don’t worry took me years … no f**king rain no f**king consequences I think 🤔
  5. Crazyfool01

    In Memoriam

    no ones being dressed down , im having a conversation
  6. Crazyfool01

    In Memoriam

    can you have a look at DMS please ... thanks
  7. ok ill rephrase ... Locked while the Mods look at a report thats come in
  8. its lame is it ... perhaps the mod wants to enjoy a Sat evening freee from people bickering. like 5 year olds
  9. Brought some waterproofing spray for tent … was asked for ID which I didn’t have and then they asked for payment … odd . I traditionally waterproof my tent as a sacrifice to weather gods whatever the weather previous year
  10. The normal Efest wed meet will be announced shortly
  11. Yeah that’s a good way . But need to coordinate with a driver to trek back to the car so might not fit with the drivers plans and it relys on someone else . Going out to nearby town not the case .
  12. Crazyfool01

    Eurovision 2024

    It’s one thread which in 24 hours will drop off the front page . Happy for it to stay some acts have played Glastonbury before so does have a bit of relevance . Can choose to ignore if it’s not your thing
  13. I think there’s 3 left and 20 days to win them in
  14. Just in case a couple of you were wondering anything containing email adresses it asks for approval from mods … nothing personal 🙂
  15. you should be fine just found another winners post , and welcome
  16. Guess it’s where the HQs of these places are
  17. With more to come down the track
  18. After the flurry it all went quiet …. f**kers 😂
  19. No but I have heard about the size of his fireplace and I hope they aren’t kept anywhere near that 🙂
  20. and a general welcome to the forum from me 🙂
  21. A scorpion was mentioned in my watts app group ... was it that ?
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