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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. green leader was just saying on politics live its a choice between them and Labour for Bristol ... fingers crossed the greens get in as some representation in Parliament is definately needed
  2. Before people take the nal too seriously and get too heated on the subject it’s probably worth saying they have a traditionally negative take on the weather . And is part of the tradition of this thread
  3. This is the route I think with no obstacles
  4. Taking this from where ? Ballot boxes aren’t open untill tomoro ?
  5. Possibly in a bar but you’d get decent signal if you tethered an iPad to a phone at that point before the masses arrive signal should be ok especially with Voda and related sims
  6. Judging by how hard it is to find I’m not sure they’ve really figured it out about sales uplifts . This I find a bit odd about the brothers cans , maybe some kind of law stopping them promoting it on the cans . Just seems weird
  7. Which I was hoping would be back as someone posted a Facebook screenshot I think … Will look into the takeovers though
  8. Cheers will definately check that out further
  9. As above was expecting a venue
  10. Oh music ? Not a venue ? Good spot
  11. I actually quite like watching it there , however not bothered by its absence
  12. Looking at the info page I was hoping for the return of copper dollar …. Someone mentioned that would be returning but can’t see any evidence of it sadly
  13. Football seems to be a more popular topic than the common lineup 😂
  14. And then Labour won’t reverse
  15. Not sure I’m convinced … 😋
  16. They opened jp on Sunday in 16 slow and steady progress since but building a really dedicated fan base . Still convinced there’s plenty more to come
  17. Yeah was chatting to drummer earlier and definately not . Got some big plans coming up though . This keeps coming up on my socials … intriguing
  18. Anyone got Chris Martins number ?
  19. Also seeing a few cheese winners and another brothers winner on Twitter . My oxfam is sadly out of chocolate but that’s probably a good thing .
  20. Crazyfool01

    In Memoriam

    Yep definately best kept to one
  21. So with 55 days to go a quick reminder that everyone signed the Worthy Farm pledge on ticket day .... please take your sh*t home .... here's my leaving photos for last 4 festivals ... anyone got similar ?
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