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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. Forced nothing so for the 3rd time fill yer boots if you want to link the scum or mail .
  2. I’m not giving up my long standing beliefs or opinions because I voluntarily mod on here sorry . But we do have a team so try and make things as fair as is possible and discuss many decisions that are made for balance
  3. As I said before fill yer boots and see post above … you are manifesting something that doesn’t exist and was stated as a personal opinion . Which like every other user I’m allowed to have and was also made very clear to you and other users at the time
  4. Yep that’s accurate . If there’s anything from mods that is made clear in the post either by stating MOD at the end or now some of us are using different colour font to distinguish posts . Personally I think the daily mail and scum are hateful rags and I hope their existence along with GB news dissapear from the influence they have on U.K. politics maybe that has my bias on it but maybe I just don’t like these rags spreading hate
  5. Looks great and ground doesn’t seem as squelchy as when I visited a couple of weeks back
  6. ? No idea ? I don’t personally . But no restrictions … maybe some issue with upload ? Has one been removed ?
  7. There’s an army of people reading that would absolutely smash this sheet if they were available to help for a short period of time on Thurs or Sunday or ideally both . Please contact Matthew to help . I’m helping someone from here Thurs but will have sheet open incase departures aren’t available and hopefully will be full steam ahead . There will be some regulars on there . So if you aren’t sure help them and that should help the entire sheet as the help then becomes available from them to help others . Hopefully some spreadsheet green appears later in the week
  8. aw didnt realise youd missed out ? you trying bus sale ? good luck
  9. everyone ready ? shortcodes in ?
  10. Seems to have been sorted a few users on here have said so
  11. We have actually been dropped close to site and cycled in previously but arrived at gate by HOD . Security weren’t great then and made us push bikes up HOD and join back of queue 😞 or maybe they were and it was where cyclists got told to go when arriving at that gate
  12. Wonder where stewards will direct us when we cycle down main road toward gate A before gates open … it’s a few years since we’ve done this .
  13. Some research … can confirm it’s lovely
  14. If anyone’s getting a bus from Taunton . Chuck me a dm and I can likely help with onstreet parking 10 or so mins walk from the bus stop .
  15. Just mown the lawn … sun is out it’s all good today . Perfect drying weather . Keep the faith
  16. Hold my hands up …. I’m just trying to delay people while I go to every branch with my scales
  17. I like it 🙂 4 bars in and no ticket but donation to charity so what’s to grumble , the odds are low anyway
  18. not a chance of any fraud happening or going to happen .... ive just opened one of those bars and theres no chance of seeing anything without opening it fully , the odds are pretty long in this competition anyway and even longer that someone manages to sneak open a bar thats placed by the till and find those hardly found golden tickets without anyone noticing . wrap it back up and then hand it to a staff member to scan once already opened
  19. The odd casualty but it’s pretty rare . Fortunately I’ve got access to the freezer at my work .
  20. I freeze my ciders and chocka it full of ice and ice scrapings also wrap it in a space blanket and I’ve still got cold ciders on Sunday . Blackout tent also helps but cool box is only a fairly cheap Asda one
  21. Crazyfool01


    However I don’t think they’ve ever been putting the covers on in either wind or rain . Seems like we have a 5 day window now where that could be done
  22. Yes that is the only way to enter now .
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