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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. in case anyone wonders what this is about ... profile and post has been removed . just boring trolling nonsense . Mod
  2. Crazyfool01


    if they were to do some kind of message on that board I can only see it being something that the cam can see but with little detail as the lettering would be too small ..... Something along the lines of Avalon announce .....
  3. They could just insert an old shape and then change it slightly in one of the updates … I guess it depends on what’s going on with that whole area and if it gets bigger etc
  4. Didn’t see any signs of much going on when we were there a few weeks back . I guess the cherry picker is there ready to put the covers on when they get a break in the weather …
  5. Crazyfool01


    Site safety type board I’d guess
  6. Crazyfool01


    Wish I’d not clicked 😞
  7. Nearly finished the hatfull of dreams which should give me some time to make / design something else … not sure what yet … ideas on a postcard trim_A9455196-2FDB-4BC8-B036-31B6EEB78E4B.mp4
  8. Might also be some 2s that might like some help if that helps ?
  9. I think there was something around payment that they’ve now sorted . @incident I think mentioned it ?
  10. @stuartbert two hats will secret glasto be operating in this neck of the woods ?
  11. I got through on one device last sale or one before . I forget now but did have the backup of friends that helped . Sometimes there’s just not time for that so get help for yourself if you can
  12. Yep a few people said it’s now closed off
  13. Indeed … likely 10k in resale and 100 tops available in competitions
  14. Become mates very quickly … get peoples contacts and socials media’s for those you help … it will massively help if people are prepared to buy for others . As above there’s people that have been posting on year for years I’d personally help . That said I’ve not come across any issues in my time in the forum . Be sensible though .
  15. Yep good shout @MatthewTurner if you want to pm me the link I can see how it compares to previous
  16. The chances in the resale are probably higher than the competitions . That said someone’s got to win . Good luck I’m off to get some chocolate if my store has any
  17. Obviously now we have a date and balance needs to be paid at time of booking ….
  18. So importantly balance in full at the time of booking
  19. Ok some advice … you cannot control the number gone back In . It’s never huge numbers but it is enough that many people on here have had success in the past , what you can control is the number of helpers you have for your individual groups through mates etc . I’d very much be looking at people that have done past sales ideally but if not make sure people understand the steps of the process and the need for speed but also accuracy of input . Ideally you’ll be setup to help other groups in the spreadsheet . That’s the way these things can get high levels of success , it’s like a pyramid . As you sort your individual group the teams move to the next unsuccessful group on the spreadsheet and it becomes larger and larger numbers trying to help the remaining groups . When we did it a few years back in the resale we had a really high success level but that was because we were all in to help everyone achieve the ticket goal . Obviously we had an advantage of time to get to know each other and were prepared to use our cards to help all the others on the sheet . I’d suggest moving groups about that are happy to pay for each other if possible . Remember everyone should be available to help in the bus sale . Friends if possible too and then the favour gets returned on the Sunday when successfull bus people return and help the people still trying for general . Bit of an essay apologies but get organising and it really helps
  20. Like the one the stewards get then ?
  21. Don’t forget they are run by volunteers that very possibly only do a few hours a week . There might not be an official briefing document for a few boxes each shop gets
  22. I’d already shared that optimism amongst my group
  23. See I liked it … but maybe get the chocolate now in local store and limit to that . Avoid the trek
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