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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. Anyone any clue on if this will be replaced and what might replace this if so ?
  2. yep probably ... will have a nosey at weekend
  3. yep thats. a good description ....
  4. Its the chopper most likely ... seems to be easily rumoured ... think @Gnomicide had the heads up
  5. The announcement of the resale was on the 13th last year
  6. Personally think it’ll be more likely DJs …. Will see
  7. It’s weirdly fashionable across the internet … there’s quite a lot of people stick up for them also the haters will shout loudest
  8. They’ll improve it … maybe more music but can’t see it going anywhere
  9. Yeah the replacement for Pangea / Arcadia
  10. Most likely of the areas will be west holts surely … given that it’s known already because of the playlist leak
  11. I keep thinking we are late on the map appearance but sadly after checking the thingy it would appear not to be the case 😞 . Probably the next announcement I’m hoping for so we can see the changes for the year
  12. just. tried it on iPhone with google and safari browsers cant see any issues ? are you using something different stuie ?
  13. @eFestivals this must be the issue northern angel mentioned
  14. Posted elsewhere but lottery winners self confirmed to a friend … take it or leave it if you believe but I do based on info I’ve been given before
  15. So lottery winners will be there a mate talks to band … same person has given me royal blood info before and I absolutely believe them
  16. Reminder bookings open in 10 mins and popular times sell out pretty quickly
  17. I grew up in the country …. f**k the rain and needing to toughen up tbh . Nowt exciting whatsoever about needing a coat and wellies / walking boots whenever you leave the tent . Sunshine means many more people are out and about rather than hiding in tents
  18. not much kit can deal with the energy sapping gluey mud though . It’s ok in its liquid phase but a bit later in certain parts of site it’s a massive challenge
  19. weather for me ... my enjoyment is less related to music and more related to meeting people , the music is the cherry on top of the cake .... 2016 was hard hard work and I dont think im anywhere near fit enough these days for another like that
  20. re read them they are tiny ...I had the same and discovered id typed them wrong
  21. this poll gives a pretty similar response most years I reckon . 13% giving up ticket currently
  22. Stages aren’t Norm ally listed like this though ? Maybe I’ve just imagined it though .
  23. Exchange of social media accounts may also help some feel a bit more secure or at least knowing people’s details
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