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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. On the overcrowding thing the issue has already been fed back to the farm … and they also read here
  2. Just a quick one resale tickets will go to one person so it makes sense to try and get the people geographically grouped of at all possible . Secure post also possible but some may prefer to do it in person
  3. Has been discussed on our watts app with similar suggested .
  4. No fatboy slim either … surely he’s always on there
  5. Just need a massive silent disco on pyramid … problem solved 🙂
  6. Yeah agree it’s really odd … I’ll have a word with my friend that stewards up there to make them aware ( if they aren’t already ) hopefully they reconsider
  7. We had to operate on trust when we did it … people brought for others on own cards and used other people’s cards some used prepayed cards . But we had a longer period of getting to know people over pandemic . There will be option to cancel payments with banks if you aren’t payed back I think . But if you don’t do this the risk of not getting tickets is much higher … the whole idea behind groups is that everyone works for everyone untill you are 100% complete or you might as well not bother grouping up .
  8. Wrong they take feedback from stewards
  9. Mile long queues at the minuscule of sound
  10. Pyramid stage sweeper during interval is the dream
  11. Can’t be possible surely https://uk.news.yahoo.com/glastonbury-superfan-3d-printed-coldplay-114239857.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAKkVAVxefQJKUhZu-83aVg4ivW3wDExoYHICl9wlWeATYr2bwQ5fgpkU8tz6z3JFu-WgSOP9tYamn_xcTJpJVexIoJbEKqNNRx-gghwdNW02GS-SjtSQU4k1IHkc2dLgD55rCVbzbPntBWJuls7F2WG3GVRujXUwyiBVjcfzeXgh
  12. tories getting hammered in QT tonight despite Fiona Bruces best efforts ... they are done well and truly
  13. glastopia on twitter just suggested to me ... could that entire row on poster do Thursday against each other ?
  14. cost cuts have hit supres account ....
  15. Surprised no mentions yet but don’t go near glade for faithless
  16. I’ve replied to thingys tweet and tagged Emily absolute carnage that
  17. Will the Williams green tent fit ?
  18. Going nowhere near that . Hard to shut that off too with multiple entry points
  19. yeah but still begs the question where ? biggest places with music on Thursday .... Glade and icon ?
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