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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. no but hes announced it for everyone else instead
  2. yeah but no stage ?
  3. Really strange ... this is our churnups puzzle for the year .... not listed on any stage on poster ... mind boggles
  4. was that the bribe to cover the racism
  5. Tesco and one stop the alternatives for this competition .
  6. Would you mind putting it in the Spotify playlist thread a bit further down so we can keep them together please 🙂
  7. The one in Spotify thread lower down page is this one
  8. Pick the stats isn’t it . Opportunity to attend for many might be first festival . We are lucky to have been many times so that opportunity has been afforded to us on plenty of occasions . Will have a packed field singing along and that’s what makes the festival for me . Sure it’s not above criticism. But the fact there’s a massive amount of choice hasn’t changed
  9. Just have to breathe hot air plenty about today on the fb replies
  10. The response . The field will be packed . Those that don’t like can choose one of the other 100 stages . Pretty easy isn’t it ?
  11. I’m bored with that response tbh more interested in the other stats … sadly predictable though .
  12. Tbf this forum is probably wrong demographic for people seeing her …. As are the festivals average age though . Hope it pays off
  13. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/glastonbury-superfan-3d-printed-coldplay-114239857.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAKkVAVxefQJKUhZu-83aVg4ivW3wDExoYHICl9wlWeATYr2bwQ5fgpkU8tz6z3JFu-WgSOP9tYamn_xcTJpJVexIoJbEKqNNRx-gghwdNW02GS-SjtSQU4k1IHkc2dLgD55rCVbzbPntBWJuls7F2WG3GVRujXUwyiBVjcfzeXgh
  14. Yeah I was going on the mentions of them over anything else tbh
  15. Yeah a mate likes maneskin was wondering where they are as they’ve been mentioned recently as likely
  16. Dua and Coldplay for me . Looking forward to the singalongs
  17. There will be a fight amongst the K-pop fans
  18. @gigpusher just posted something in our group ha ha as I spoke
  19. You’ll have an absolute blast … so much going on . So much more to come 🙂
  20. I think Dua might suprise people …
  21. Said this yesterday to mates … excitement has dropped around the poster and build up for me . Actually quite liked the not knowing when it might drop in a funny kind of way .
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