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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. next thing we know they'll be releasing willy Wonka type chocolate bars
  2. could easily knock together a one off
  3. Crazyfool01


    and whats this ? Silage maybe ?
  4. I tried scanning the QR code with no luck .... Oxfam page
  5. remember the cheese feeling well
  6. Build has started in earnest today … have put together the frame , put the covers on , added wristbands and lights on both sides IMG_7976.mov
  7. Back on topic im going for may as I really find it bonkers waking up to yet another Tory scandal . I’ve said all along we are just getting the tip of the iceberg on the corruption stuff . Things aren’t going to get any better
  8. Lowest activity from the farm on those days last 2 poster drops have been on Friday … @Gnomicide will have the stats
  9. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    Most / many aren’t sure who she is … including me but have looked her up . This forum possibly not best demographic to give representation but suprised at several people not knowing who have greater musical knowledge than me
  10. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    There will be 2 female headliners most of the information points toward Dua lipa and sza . But she is available and it depends if you like to believe information or not . To me it looks like it will be the two named . Enjoy beat herder and the rest from the weather
  11. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

  12. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    Have we overlooked this post ? Personally I could only see her at headliner level and they might want to give her that after she pulled out .
  13. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    You’ve missed the initial opportunities but places still likely to appear if you’ve got wits about you … have a read of volunteers thread there’s a wealth of knowledge in there . At this stage likely oxfam is best bet .
  14. Bit of rain next few days by look of it . No cows about churning things up ?
  15. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    Still plenty of chance in the resale or volunteering if that’s your thing
  16. yeah wish id got more pear tbh that one isnt bad .... but I sold them out so I could only get 2 of that flavour
  17. Early on I was sure it was going to be Monday as that had the lowest vote . Then some dodgy postal votes came in and I reckon it was fraud
  18. Problem is I’d imagine those have the competition qr code on them and code under ring pull So a challenge not to be tempted by the ticket win competition
  19. waited for postman as im expecting new pyramid frame delivery .... thanks @squirrelarmy , hasnt arrived so hopefully tomorrow the stage build begins
  20. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    I quite like the pointy thing tbh I’ve had some great times there over the years . Some sat round a campfire in my early years , different strokes for different folks … don’t mind how anyone does it as long as they have a smile on their face and aren’t an ass to others . Times change we either embrace that or we get bitter . Good luck in resale
  21. Crazyfool01

    2024 Headliners

    Are you speaking as someone hoping for tickets ? I’m very happy with a few rumoured
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