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Bisque last won the day on January 7 2017

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  1. Bisque


    I can now just imagine Mike Bobbins in the crowd turning to a mate with pint in hand saying “wtf is this w*nk?”
  2. Bisque


    Sounds like a bad Muse song. edit: Chris Martin has become a meme of himself. Why is he MCing over there own songs?
  3. Bisque


    The Glastonbury set will be longer surely? A bit of new stuff nobody cares about, some middle tier songs & the rest mixed in. Ending on Up & Up a few years ago was great but Fix You in the middle of the set will be criminal this year.
  4. As a teacher I can only do Friday - Sunday so this price hike is making me consider a Euro festival instead. I missed out on 2019 tickets & went to Sziget instead & it was cheap, great fun, nice city & went on to Istanbul for a soapy wash down in a spa for less.
  5. If you weren’t there in 2008 you’ve not done Reading properly. As someone has mentioned, it was like Apocalypse Now, the closest I’ve experienced to frontline warfare. But it was done sensibly & the crowd were looking out for each other, despite burning your mates tent & making sure the ice cream man was out of his van before pushing it over.
  6. If you could possibly give any updates on weather/ground situation that would be awesome. I live near Southampton & the sun is shiiiiining!
  7. Thank you! My partner has emailed the fest to let them know of our situation. There’s no phone number as far as she can find, I’m sure we’ll be fine. She can walk but only at a hobbles pace & won’t be able to spend the day on her feet. Poor lass but her relapse has occurred after we bought tickets & she’s missed out on a holiday & Edinburgh Fringe so she wants to do something eventful this summer. I’m just glad we didn’t get Reading weekend tickets.
  8. Cheers! I’m debating on seeing Metronomy or using that time to wander around the world music stage & some of the smaller ones, food etc.
  9. Thanks mate. That has given her a lot more confidence to go. We obviously will be staying towards the back for the crowds & chilling. Can’t think of any more questions it’s just keeping her happy! She is going to bring crutches too so if they take them off her will we kick up a fuss & she is bringing her GP/doctors certificate with her for her meds as well. We’ll probably just chill watching bands from the back. Thanks again
  10. Bisque

    Getting A Lift

    Cheers, I did just this & worked a treat!
  11. Will be going for the Sunday with my partner in a wheelchair. What are the crowds like… as in demographic as we don’t want any hassle from teens or even adults falling over the place? First time going. Unless it pisses it down will a robust wheel chair be fine on site?
  12. Cerebral Ballzy, early/mid 2010's in The Pit. The lead singer had a fight with a security guard.
  13. Usually take £200 for 5 days but will probably expect to spend more this year due to inflation.
  14. Bisque

    Getting A Lift

    Hi all. Been a while since I’ve posted. I have been very fortunate enough to be offered a lift by car to the festival due to the train situation. Does anyone have any good suggestions where a good place to be dropped off & picked up from close to the festival where I could jump on a coach or bus to get to a pedestrian gate? I heard there may be coaches or buses from Shepton Mallet.
  15. I must of got lucky. Changed the address last week to my parents address (as I knew they’d be in) as I realised the send address was my previous flat from two years ago. Fortunately being in a rural village they are on first name terms with the posty but they still didn’t sign for it.
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