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  1. I shed some tears whilst watching them. Absolutely amazing.
  2. My understanding is that Reading get the coverage and Leeds gets the radio
  3. Not a fan of 21 Savage at all but he truly took the piss out of his fans yesterday. Sent out a hype man for 50 mins then came out for 10 minutes. What a joke. Should never play here again.
  4. I’m in pink moon camping in a little tee pee with just one pole to support the whole thing. I think the tent pegs have all blown out. Its carnage here, i popped my head out it the tent door and there were multiple teepees in a pile on the floor 😬
  5. Good quality map here sent to me by Pink Moon
  6. What have the secret sets been like over the years? Last time i camped it was Them Crooked Vultures which is crazy really. Camping again this year and prepared to feel old af!
  7. Mannequin Pussy cancelled all UK and Europe shows next month. Burnt out.
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