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  1. If the IOW line up was Victorious' line up I would be all over that. Shame IOW is in the school term time otherwise I would go.
  2. It was 2 and a half days until this year, when it became 3 full days not not that much extra tbh. I paid £120 plus fees in 2021, yet in 2024 it will be £260 so there is a huge price jump in a few short years and to me personally I haven't seen a huge jump in the quality of the line up. Using the payment plans jumps the cost up even more as far as I am aware (it has been in previous years). Victorious, while a good festival, is not even on par with other main stream festivals yet (hardly anyone even knows it exists), plus the campsite is hardly in a convenient place to go back to in the middle of the day to chill out. I am not local so wouldn't even contemplate doing just a day - it's not worth it.
  3. Are they having a laugh? £233 when including the shuttle bus then another £25 for parking! (even more if doing payment plan) Line up better be top notch next year for us to even consider going! Think I only paid about £160 when we first went in 2021. Edited to say that when I add 1 camping ticket, 1 shuttle bus and 1 car park that's £260!!! (That's if I pay all in one go) Wow!!!
  4. I am wondering if it would be cheaper to use Uber there and back every day and there will be a group of 4 of us. Got to be cheaper than £140 for 4 of us to use the shuttle buses! Then it kind of flies in the face that they are trying to be greener lol
  5. Think I am half asleep but are you saying that people who hadn't bought camping tickets were just using the shuttle buses? Come to think if it, the past two years we went (didn't go this year) we never showed our wristbands to get on the buses. To go next year with the big price increase due to paying for the buses, there will have to be an outstanding line up for us. Victorious is no longer the budget festival when going for the full weekend. And going for one day is not an option as we don't live nearby. I read about the chaos once again getting the shuttle buses back to the park and ride this year.
  6. Can you imagine the uproar if the people who decided to chance it and not pay still got to use the buses? And what happens if you have forgotten or didn't realise you had to pay for them this time...could easily not spot that fact on the booking page tbf.
  7. It seems they have frozen the ticket prices for next year but charging for the shuttle buses. Surely they should have slightly increased all tickets (including day) and keep the buses free. I do imagine that it must cost them a small fortune to run the shuttle buses but as a camping festival goer, the free shuttle buses make up for the fact that the campsite is quite a distance from the festival itself and is absolute mayhem at the end of the night. We haven't gone this year but hoping to go next year so very interested to hear if the shuttle buses are just as bad this year as they were the previous two years we went.
  8. A day ticket will work out very expensive once you have added on booking fees and park and ride fees. I also don't trust them to get the park and ride right, shuttle buses have been a shitshow for the past two years and the shuttle buses didn't look much better either. Hope to be back one year though, as the price for the whole weekend is still good value, but for us the line up isn't what we hoped. There are a few acts we like but if the weather is crap then you can't even rely on good weather and chilling with a pint waiting between acts to see.
  9. Shame they announced Raye so late in the day as we have now decided to do something else already. Would have just bought Friday tickets but with no parking it's a complete ballache to contend with trying to get back to the car so late and we don't exactly live close by.
  10. It does seem that festivals aren't pulling in the big names right now tbh. I assume it's because of the cost of putting on these events right now that they really don't have the funds to bring in big names. Maybe it's because I am older now but the headliners don't seem as impressive these days.
  11. I am not going to Glasto so if Pulp, Blondie AND Chems were at Victorious I would buy a ticket! But they are not so no festival for me this year 😞
  12. Much better line up, pity I can't go as it's in term time!
  13. Well we are hoping for a better line up next year as we won't be going this year. Previous two years had a much stronger line up imo with something to appeal for everyone. I agree, nothing here really for the younger crowd hence why I think they may struggle to sell lots of tickets this year. For such a huge ticket increase in two years I was expecting this festival to grow and maybe become more of a well known festival (most people I know have never heard of this festival).
  14. Right now there isn't enough we want to see to make us want to buy tickets. The camping/shuttle buses are such a ballache it has to be worth going - and this lineup right now, isn't. So for now, we are out.
  15. Mumford? Ugh...... Not my thing at all. Was really hoping for The Prodigy. Not sure if I am interested this year. But then I think all festivals this year are pretty underwhelming tbh.
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