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    west sussex

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  1. This is year 7 for me at this fest, not consecutive 1st time was 2012, last time was last year,used to go to Reading until they decided to change music genre. Line up over the years at Werchter has been the very best of rock/alt/indie and has included top artists. This year’s announcement, so far, is lacking imho. The fest is so chilled and relaxed which is why I regularly return. However, bearing in mind individual music taste, I am underwhelmed at the announcements so far, a real shame which may cause me to look at other Fests in Europe. I love so much about Werchter but I am concerned at the direction they have taken. I will be there this year and hope that the lineup balances out, early days and all that, but the fact that they are promoting the names announced so far as ‘crown jewels’ to sell tickets is a worry…. Foo’s aside, personal taste as already mentioned. It may turn out alright in the end and can always fizz up in Leuven anyway 😂👍
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