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Posts posted by matthewsdad1968

  1. Was just looking at the FMS website, if I register do I have to commit to doing other fests/events! It's all a bit vague on the website![/quote

    No you don't but you stand more of a chance of doing Glasto if you do others events for them as demand is high to work for them. They cover the Royal Bath and West show, Buddafields festival and Reading festival. They are great to work for as we'll

  2. Basically,

    I know I bored everyone with my obsessions with Chic and stuff and I know Glastonbury is a mile off BUT I thought I'd make this thread just so that we could discuss who should get the infamous Friday night West Holts stage slot.

    Whoever it is, I will be there and will probably be more than merry but I thought it'd be fun to throw about a few names and clips of live performances etc.

    Personally I'd like anything out of: Manu Chao, David Byrne, Earth Wind & Fire or Gogol Bordello.

    I reckon none of those will probably happen but I can dream!

    Have fun

    disclaimer: I've had a few ciders so apologies for this thread, delete it if you think it's a waste of time, Niel.

  3. Here are the photos

    As I mentioned, someone stole my external battery charger (amongst other things) on the first day which meant my camera died and I didn't get photos of all of them. My phone broke as well, which means the photos I took on my phone are gone as well :(

    Hakuna Matata though right?

    Thank you so much for your understanding, your support and for making this my favourite ever year at the greatest place in the world :D

    My tower bridge bin looks fantastic thanks. Can you tell me where it was please as we looked all over for it. Thank you again

  4. Burst into tears when I saw they were rumoured. When I saw them in 2011 I was in a very bad low place and when The loneliness of the Tower Crane Driver was played i had a spiritual awaking. Left my ex of 19 years 3 weeks later after years of upset and being controlled. My new wife watched the set on the BBC and felt the same as me. We saw them on December at the O2 and were in tears for most of the set!! We had One day like this as our music for the wedding. She was disappointed that they were not playing this year but she is delighted they are next year. Will be an amazing set.

  5. Up near the front with my wife, some old friends and, best of all, my son and his Uni mates who he had persuaded to join us. What a party! We danced like it was 1979 again (except everything ached on Saturday!).

    Next year I want the full 15 piece Earth Wind and Fire to be wheeled out. That would complete my soul/disco revival dream...

  6. As it says in the title. Was watching the footage of Chic on the planner today when i started to blubber again. The Mrs asked what was wrong. It was because of just spending the best 7 days of my life at Glastonbury with the one i love for her first Glasto and seeing 2 of my all time favourite bands Chic and The Stones in the same weekend. Anybody else had a sob !!

  7. I may be wrong, but I understand that the medics on site are volunteers. So finding that many qualified volunteers would (I expect) be very hard. I'm sure if they could they'd have as many medical volunteers on site as possible.

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