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  1. robbo707

    2024 Headliners

    Without scrolling through the pages to see if it’s already been mentioned…..are The Eagles a shout for “US based act, just heard that they’re touring” from Emily? They've just announced a few dates in Manchester at the start of June.
  2. Anyone got the main and coach url from a prior festival, similar to: https://glastonbury.seetickets.com/event/glastonbury-2023-ticket-coach-travel/worthy-farm/2500012 To see if we can take a guess at link for Sunday
  3. Only 2015 coaches have sold quicker (and probably less on sale then). So much for cost of living / "shit" headliners reducing interest.
  4. We did a mixture of UK and Ireland in 2019. We were fine with a UK Debit Card paying for all. EDIT: just not sure if it's changed since then, but judging by the screenshot above it should be fine.
  5. Okay cool - so if we had a mixture of UK and Ireland registrations we should be fine with a normal UK Visa Debit if a UK name is the lead booker / payer? Pretty sure that was fine for us in 2019
  6. robbo707

    2024 Headliners

    Taylor if tour comes to Europe in 2024 Blur if 30 year Parklife rumours are true 3rd feels up for grabs
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