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  1. Well I'm eating my words about something like Arcadia not being possible at Reading! Looks wicked.
  2. Public Enemy headlined in 1992, so it being 2024 is relevant because it's been 32 years since people started headlining Reading pressing buttons instead of playing instruments Get with the times and stop whinging lol
  3. Lol because all those people are going just to watch a man pressing buttons on his computer Obviously not, people are going because the music speaks to them, are you seriously making the 'but they don't play a proper instrument on stage' argument in 2024
  4. Ngl this would be a much better parody if it was actually a banger pop track Instead it just sounds bitter and jealous
  5. Would be awesome but my guess is this would be impossible noise level wise at Reading, it's not spread out or far enough away from town for an open air thing like Arcadia
  6. Ice Spice Creeper Fontaines DC JPEGMafia Neck Deep The Wombats Two Door Cinema Club The Streets Loathe Four Tet (please) Deftones (please)
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