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Cuban Pete

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    Birmingham, UK

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  1. I had a redirection in place and someone sent me something recorded delivery to the old address, and it didn’t work. It’d been in place for a year at this point, so not new, but it was rejected by the person who lives there and returned to sender. So I would definitely see if they can contact the new occupants, I don’t think I’d leave it to chance a redirection would work.
  2. on the 2:45pm coach too, pretty annoying that it’s so late!
  3. They usually give them into the box office, I’ve never done it and someone will be able to offer a first hand account but this seems very risky! They scrutinise you a lot more at the box office by the sound of it, and will check ID etc. so unless they look identical, he stands more of a chance of not being let in.
  4. Aldi has its camping special buys beginning on the 12th May, if anyone’s after anything.
  5. Does anyone know who was stood next to Macca side of stage? Bloke with the cap and sunglasses, it’s annoying me!
  6. Had never paid much attention to Rina before, but her set is great
  7. Maggie Rogers set is fantastic, her voice 🙌🏻
  8. The tour was a LOT better than this - illness aside. There was more energy, the set list was better. This feels like the warm up show for a headline gig.
  9. If they came out with a hit packed set list, and were like “soz my voice is still ropey, but let’s give it a go” and actually gave a bit more energy, it would be 100% better, even if he couldn’t hit the notes. it just feels so flat, and maybe it’s illness, but none of them are giving the impression they’re buzzing to be there.
  10. 100% agree - 2013 felt pivotal, this feels like just any other show. If it wasn’t for them panning out to show the stage, I could be watching them anywhere.
  11. He doesn’t seem settled, probably still feeling unwell? keeps pulling faces at himself when he’s missing the notes too. Saw them in 2013, and this isn’t a patch so far - which is a shame. Be intrigued to hear from anyone there, how it’s landing with the crowd.
  12. Massive AM fan (so not just hating) but his voice sounds doesn’t sound 100% at all. Can tell with some of the notes he’s not comfortable.
  13. Hozier’s voice is cracking
  14. Agreed - as a fellow AM nerd! in all honesty, and just my opinion, he seems a lot more with it than he has in the past I.e. TLSP gigs, so it makes it even less likely that would be the reason.
  15. Sounds like rubbish, I read a few posts of people who attended last night saying his voice sounded a bit croakier and he was struggling with some of the songs.
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