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davefrompompey last won the day on August 5 2014

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About davefrompompey

  • Birthday 08/26/1988

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  1. Update: I gave it a go. I f**ked it up in several different ways, but in the end I think it turned out ok (given my very low expectations 🙂) The biggest thing I got wrong was not realising that even though the sides look like equilateral triangles when you look at them from the ground, because of the 30 degree slope, they're actually stretched out taller than that when you look at them flat. I used equilateral triangles, so I ended up with a squished pyramid... Some pics: And I put some lights in there to snazz it up a bit too: In case anyone wants it, here's the powerpoint I used to get the (fundamentally inaccurate) dimensions of all the bits of cardboard: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/455f13wnnbnlw0i9tsv3u/pyramid.pptx?rlkey=cm8mjcb5eq7g3oi890tm0spp4&dl=0 Thanks to everyone who helped!
  2. Thanks, that solved the problem 🙂
  3. Awesome, thanks - I had spotted that on google, but no idea what sketchup is. I’m off to download it and faff about a bit! 🙂
  4. Hi! Yes, it is - thanks. It's been helpful (to a point, i.e. the point at which my very limited maths/geometry skills give up on me...)
  5. This link isn't working for me - I get a 'sorry, you don't have permission...' message
  6. Oh wow that looks f**king amazing! If it helps, this is where I am with trying to work it out at the moment - the circled bit is where I'm completely baffled - I know that panel on top shouldn't be a rectangle, but that's about the limit of what I can work out..
  7. Thanks - that extrapolation is the bit I’m struggling with at the moment! I’m not looking to make anything intricate at all really - I just have an old hello fresh box that I want to turn into a very basic model to house a speaker and some fairy lights. The main panel shapes/sizes I’m finding difficult to work out are bits for the front - what shape the extra triangles on the front of the pyramid need to be, and the two panels that form the ‘roof’ bit (if that makes any sense).
  8. Hi everyone! Hope you all had as much fun at Glastonbury as I did this year 🙂 Does anyone know where I can find the dimensions of the pyramid stage, and/or a template or diagram or something? I want to make a scale model out of cardboard etc, but apparently my poor little arts and humanities brain is incapable of working out what shapes I need to cut out and how they fit together.. I tried a quick search but couldn’t find any previous threads on this. Thanks in advance! 😄
  9. Anyone know what PA means here? I'm presuming it's not 'Telmary and her personal assistant'...
  10. Anyone have thoughts on how early we'd need to get there to stand a chance of getting in to Four Tet's Funkingham Palace set on the Thursday night? I'm guessing pretty fucking early... but would it be worth getting there for when it opens? Who or what are the Funkingham Palace Footmen??
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