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  1. Our group of 4 secured tickets in the resale. See Tickets have confirmed that they will be posting all 4 of our tickets to the lead booker's address (the person who paid the full balance for all 4 tickets). It's a bit annoying that they won't send them out to our individual addresses but seems there's no way to change it.
  2. Is it possible to get added to this spreadsheet? Thank you!!
  3. I am not sure how this spreadsheet works but if anyone can help me get tickets on Sunday I would be very grateful. I am looking for two tickets, one for me and one for my gf who has never been to Glasto before and is desperate to go. I can send my registration details to anyone who is able to help us, just PM me, thank you very much!
  4. Hi folks, I am a long time lurker on this forum, finally decided to make a post and realised I actually still had an account here that I created way back in 2004 but had never used!! From Scotland and been to Glastonbury many times over the years. Last time I was able to get tickets was 2017. Hoping to make it again this year if I can be lucky enough to grab tickets in the resale, especially want to get there to see what I think will be a legendary set from Paul McCartney.
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