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  1. There's about 12 acts on there that I like. And I'll wait until the New Year before I start trawling through the "no logo" bands and pass my judgement upon them. So despite the announcement not being particularly inspiring, I'd say it just about covers the ticket cost for me. Let's hope there's some sweetmeat in the following announcements.
  2. Fully salute the direction change that we're seeing at Download.....but a fraction more old guys music please 😏
  3. Away from all the glamour of Main Stage headliner talk, I'd be delighted for someone like Graveyard close the fourth Stage on the Sunday. Or something similarly chilled/bluesy/stonerish.
  4. A female fronted main stage headliner at last. I wonder how long before AC claims the diversity points. God that was cynical.
  5. Doesn't seem a million miles away tbh. There's a fair bit of chatter on the AC/DC fan forum about some 2025 action. Although I feel that Copping wouldn't pass up on Maiden's 50th anniversary. So maybe: Main: Maiden, AC/DC, Slipknot Second: Ghost + 2 contemporary/metalcore acts that Copping will take credit for making stars of. I'm always terrible at this though. Waiting patiently to be proved 100% wrong 😂
  6. The Secret Set band discussion has evolved/devolved into a "god, I hope it's..." conversation across all the forums. Based on my own ill-conceived assumptions that the artist is going to be a.n.other of the euro-summer-rock-festival-acts, and of presumed stature to be second stage headliner/main stage support(ish) size,... Then I'm going to punt at 5FDP. Obvs they're a twat's band, but they do carry a mystifying level of popularity. nb. At the risk of being even remotely close, I also made this point on the official forum a week or so ago.
  7. Y'ello... Help me make a decision please.... I am done and DONE with Download. I've had some wild times there, and some meh times. This year was great for me, but I'm not getting any younger (52 by next season) and Donington is exhausting. I'm seriously considering 2000Trees as an alternative. This year's lineup looked alright, and the location is about an hour and a half better. I hear good things about Bloodstock all the time, but the lineups there are typically too relentlessly heavy for me. I prefer a bit more variety in rock genres. The biggest problem is going to be convincing the guys I usually go to DL with. Any words of wisdom?
  8. Yeah could've. But it's their communication. Didn't want to be the messenger that got shot.
  9. Sorry, this link is better... https://forums.downloadfestival.co.uk/topic/15923-event-info-faqs/
  10. A FAQ that includes the map status has been issued on the official forum a couple of days ago. https://forums.downloadfestival.co.uk/topic/15922-faqs-for-2023/
  11. A FAQ that includes the map status has been issued on the official forum a couple of days ago.
  12. If you go to the sponsors list at the bottom of the Download website, and click on Barclaycard, it says... "Barclaycard – Official Payment Partner of Download Festival. Your Barclaycard is your pass to hottest entertainment perks – save 10% on drinks* onsite when you show and pay with your Barclaycard. *T&Cs apply. Find out more at: Barclaycard Entertainment." Hopefully that's not a forgotten statement from last year.
  13. Devin then Ghost on second is a great evening!
  14. Certainly that one track they've released is completely derivative. Almost like they're working to a found and comfy formula. Which is exactly what you don't want from Slipknot. Every new thing I hear from them I want to push and defy boundaries, not safely set up camp within them. Hopefully the rest of the album will punch through better.
  15. Take all of my money. That's a great list


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