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    West Midlands

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  1. @eFestivals Can you please change my username to Stave Thanks
  2. Stave

    Black Pumas

    Now on BBC iPlayer for those that are interested 😀 Personally, my must see and favourite set this year !
  3. Stave

    Volunteering 2024

    Ah man, sorry to hear this... sh*t times.... Hope you're going to be OK. As others have, your health's more important. There will be other opportunities to be back I'm sure. Take care of yourself!
  4. I really couldn't agree more...... they are certainly my number 1 must see....
  5. You're a bit late for the April Fools jokes 😃 Seriously though, good luck with that, I wouldn't want to be swapping my East (Quiet) Campervan ticket.....
  6. Black Pumas for me so far....
  7. All paid up for me, the missus and daughter. Can't wait....
  8. I'm also with you with this. Been listening to them the last couple of days - a definite must see for me too.
  9. Stave

    2024 Headliners

    I see what you did there. Nice....!
  10. Stave

    Camper Van Ticket

    I think you'll be ok. There will be some at resale time, (maybe before and after as well). Just need to keep checking as often as possible....
  11. I had a similar scenario last year. The email that was used was "customercare@seetickets.com" The person i dealt with was Christopher Lough in Customer Relations. It was sorted, no problem. Hope that helps....
  12. Got East Quiet for me, the missus and daughter after around 20 mins. Called a pal to check if he'd got his - he didn't even realise the sale was on... Any case, got back in and secured East General for him. One thing I did notice was it was extremely easy to get back in after the first purchase - no holding page at all....
  13. Unless I'm mistaken, you only have the ability to purchase one at a time.... There isn't the option to buy multiples, even with multiple reg no's.
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