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  1. admscott

    2025 Headliners

    Nothing for Marseille or Milan yet. Was kind of expecting Prague to crop up this year, so confirmation of Europe in 2025 is nice!
  2. admscott

    2025 Headliners

    Springsteen just rescheduled his Prague show to June 15th 2025. So he'll be back in Europe next year at around the right time. Could be something!
  3. I can self confirm myself for this year and next, so that's exciting!
  4. I've heard Ed O'Brien say his song Shangri-La was inspired directly by the area at the festival.
  5. admscott

    2024 Headliners

    yeah, this absolutely helped. put on the setlist and stick "weather dependant" next to it.
  6. admscott

    2024 Headliners

    Saw Springsteen at Hyde Park a few weeks back. I went to Night 2, which is the least casual-friendly of the two he's basically been playing. Think that Night 1 setlist would go down a treat on the farm, though. Maybe swap out some stuff in the middle (Kitty's Back, Mary's Place) and get Jungleland and another couple bit hitters in there and I think it would be magical.
  7. admscott

    Virtual Meet

    hoping to make it to one of these 🙂
  8. Ah, that's very kind, thank you!
  9. After much to-ing and fro-ing, I am once again playing on some sort of stage at some sort of times.
  10. Would love to see Sierra Ferrell if she's about! She's playing a UK festival in August, which i suppose might be too far out!
  11. It can be kind of frustrating. Resigned to not going this year, i think. I certainly can't afford the £340 at the moment. It's definitely a different kind of festival. I'm playing at IoW for the first time this year and that has very much been "how many tickets do you need, let us get you a ferry pass, do you need any half-price friends tickets?" Even at my very, very low level. It's much more important to control space and number of people at Glasto, I suppose. But the difference between my IoW experience and the Glastonbury situation of some people needing to buy a ticket in order to play is remarkable. Edit: to clarify that i'm not frustrated by not getting to go. i don't feel entitled to it in any way and have been lucky to be consistently offered them. the frustration is on behalf of bands/artists who just have no other way in but to pay, and the system whereby I just don't know if i'm going and will feel like i'm letting down multiple people if i don't.
  12. I'm currently booked on 4 stages for this year. 3 of them have no more Performer's Passes to give. A Performer's pass lasts all weekend, which is nice! The 4th stage, the one that usually gives me the pass to get in is a) under new management beginning this year, and b) has had their pass allowance cut too. If it turns out that they can't give me a pass this year, all 4 stages lose a performer! Stages at that smaller level rely on sharing artists. The only way I started reliably getting a pass each year was by playing on any stage that would have me during the years that I had already bought a ticket. There is also a Friends and Family ticketing system, where people close to a performer can get a ticket if they are referred by the performer and the field that is giving the performer their pass. It's a guaranteed ticket, provided your application is accepted, but is full price. I know some bands who have 4 members but only got 2 Performer's Passes and needed to buy 2 Friends and Family tickets to play their shows. I'm a solo act, which means my free ticket footprint is small. When I see some of the 7-piece bands that play in the Green Fields, i marvel that any of them managed to get in at all! You'll often find that the drummer of a band playing on Toad Hall is the person who runs the sound at Small World or something. One stage fills their schedule by having about 6 bands that each have the same members in slightly different configurations. Kind of like a house band.
  13. NME reporting too now. Glasto office must be a bit chaotic.
  14. admscott

    Kanye West

    starting to think kanye is a bit of a wally
  15. This festival absolutely broke me physically, mentally, and spiritually. Loved all of the acts I saw and the highs were incredibly high. The lows, though... oh boy. It was beyond crowded, but this was my first time going properly solo. Did not enjoy it. Really missed the social aspect of it, but that coupled with the fact that everyone who said they would hang out with me either stood me up or cancelled made me feel quite isolated and caused a lot of self-doubt. The friends I used to go with have all moved on from wanting to go regularly. I think if I don't have someone to go with, I won't go again. Also, my legs are fucked haha! Maybe I need to work on both my mental and physical fortitude - but right now the thought of another Glasto just makes me feel sad and worried. I've never had that before.
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