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  1. Thanks for the info. I've already looked at vans that'll seat and sleep 6, really not expecting comfort to be honest. I drive a van every day with work, so the driving isn't an issue with me. No danger we would get down there on the Tuesday though, might need to look outwith the Glasto site itself for pitches. All hinges on the tickets of course. If we don't get them then we will be looking at a European festival instead. Cheers.
  2. We would probably be better booking one up here then I'd imagine, I don't have any real issue with driving down. I know the campervan slots come out later than the tickets, so we'd just have to take our chances.
  3. Not been to RES since 2018, but going back this year. Do the T2 trams still run till late after the final acts have finished? Staying in Suresnes as we always do. Thanks.
  4. They were literally announced within a day of The Smile cancelling. 🙂
  5. Been to many festivals over the years, but hoping to get to Glastonbury for first time next year, if we get tickets. 6 of travelling from Scotland, from other people's experience would it be best to hire a campervan up here and drive it down, or fly to Bristol and have one booked locally? Cheers in advance.
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