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Rock bus

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About Rock bus

  • Birthday 05/31/1972

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  1. Had a great time at the festival despite the weather. thought some of you might like to see my review (would be cool if could also follow site and share!) https://thesoulofaclown.com/2024/06/04/bearded-theory-23-26-may-2024/
  2. Just wanted to say well done to you all - some great achievements. I've done the opposite - gone from relatively fit at the start of the year to having done nothing for months and now probably about half a stone heavier than I was last year. Oh well, too late now - going to just enjoy the festival and then get back in to some kind of fitness routine after its over. Will then join this thread next year for additional motivation/inspiration. Have a brilliant festival everyone!
  3. Thanks all, will definitely try a socks upgrade. any links or recommendations?
  4. Thanks for all the advice. just to be clear it’s more feet pain than muscle ache. I’m relatively fit and not overweight so guess it’s just time spent on my feet.
  5. Not sure if it is just old age but I really struggle at festivals with my feet (and legs to some degree) really aching. Reaching the point that even for the first night headliner I am struggling to stand for the whole set. Bit worried that the answer may be less walking/band watching and less alcohol but any one have any suggestions and tips how I can try and avoid my feet aching so much?
  6. Back after an awesome festival. Thought people might like to see my review. Would be great if people could follow my site and share the review. https://thesoulofaclown.com/2023/05/29/bearded-theory-26-28-may-2023-catton-hall/
  7. Heard about some issues re the camp site and room for tents last year. I cant go until Friday morning so getting a bit concerned! Only need space for 1 three person tent is that likely to be an issue?
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