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Everything posted by westholtschic

  1. Can I join you please? I’m trying desperately to get to dj in a crew bar/ bar anywhere onsite. I’ve played at local festivals before and I’m at the farm again this year.
  2. Outside. Was lovely in the sun. Managed to climb the Tor with a? Chest infection and have a picnic with my Wife for Mother’s Day, then gently walked down. Was packed up there today. Thankfully only live a 10 minute walk to the Rifleman’s.
  3. Good spot thank you very much
  4. Absolutely buzzing to see the Gabriel’s as I missed them last year. Where do we think they will be placed?
  5. For me from 2009 it was either or
  6. Joint Elbow 2011 and Faithless 2010. Faithless because it was a beautiful hot day, Jack Johnson had chilled me beforehand then Faithless just blasted it . Still the funniest thing I’ve seen at the farm was a massive blue paddling pool coming from the direct of the cider bus to end up at the front and 2 lads got in it. Maxi noticed it and laughed. Stevie wasn’t bad either! Elbow because I was contemplating the life I had with my ex wife and I released during the set that it was time to go. 3 weeks later I moved out. The Loneliness of the tower crane driver was just beautiful with the sting section just hitting the right notes, they seemed to go on forever. My God how much I love the farm.
  7. Oh it’s far to complicated for my small brain! 😂
  8. I wanted to do a poll to see who’s watching Cat Stevens but don’t know how to.
  9. westholtschic


    It was lovely here today. Didn’t settle much unfortunately as we had rain as well .
  10. I’m 55 and it will be the first “ legend “ since I’ve been going in 2009 that I will miss.
  11. Didn’t we think Royal Blood could only do Friday ?
  12. I always look forward to the most being able to walk around the site on the Tuesday with my Wife and one of our best friends. It’s been a tradition because on the Tuesday of the festival in 2014 he lost his ex, who he was still very close to, to a heart attack. We always have a toast at the sign and aim to be the first paying members to buy a drink at the Avalon Inn.
  13. westholtschic


    Northern Lights over Glastonbury Tor last night. Bloody typical as I’m working away !
  14. Maybe not for Glastonbury this year but if you volunteer at Reading this year you are almost guaranteed a spot next year. We also cover WOMAD, Glastonbury Extravaganza and Pilton Party. I’ve been going every year since 2009 with them. I know the Pre Hospital team which I help coordinate are full and have over 70 on the reserve list.
  15. Must confess didn’t know they had 2 different sets
  16. Think James are a UK exclusive to Latitude as well
  17. Not really. We have many none clinical roles, admin, reception, porters, stores, fleet, campsite crew that are available as far as I know.
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