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Quacky Mouse

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  1. Quacky Mouse


    After seeing people getting through on Seetickets tried the F5 job on my walk home. Already had seats for the 30th but wanted to try my luck with the other sites seeing as you lot were still securing standing. Got 4 standing for the Saturday at Wembley. Scenes!
  2. Quacky Mouse


    Hopefully that's a good thing? Bozos who didn't create accounts locked out??
  3. Quacky Mouse


    Hoping being on the separate Gallagher mailing lists will be enough to get a presale link. Doubt it though
  4. Anyone else bought a team ticket and it's only coming out as 1 ticket on the app? I want to be able to send people their tickets like last year but it's not letting me. Ps the app is shite
  5. Are you able to change mine to Quacky Mouse
  6. Quacky Mouse

    New Map

    Can anyone who used to camp in Pylons prior to 2023 let me know what they did last year or are planning on doing this year? I was unlucky getting tickets for 2023 but have camped at pylons every year since 2016. I guess a lot of fellow coach people may be the same!
  7. Quacky Mouse

    New Map

    Can someone confirm whether the (woodies) camping bit is hospitality or not?
  8. how do we access our tickets if we bought on kaboodle?
  9. absolute hero! god this website is great isn't it!
  10. is there an easy way to find out the food vendors?
  11. i always saw it as an alternative to zoinks
  12. spurs fan here too. been waiting for an act to play at the new ground that i've actually wanted to see. now we have one but i'm at glastonbury, so they need to play glastonbury!!
  13. Burgess Park isn't big enough for 5 stages! I hope it is though cos it's just downt road for me
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