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About chris_nre

  • Birthday April 21

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    Music, The Mighty Cambridge United, films, books

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  1. Good too see Gojira included in the opening ceremony.
  2. Unfortunately my two weekend camping tickets plus car parking will be put up for sale, as a broken leg means the festival is a no can do for me.
  3. There is a video up on YouTube if you want to watch it in full with a soundtrack of people chatting in a campsite!
  4. I broke my leg a couple of weeks ago so Glasto would have been out of the question for this year. Fortunately, in hindsight, that I didn't manage to get tickets for this year, as otherwise still wouldn't be able to go and also have taken a big financial hit as well. Those that are on the farm this year, have a great time. Hopefully be there next year.
  5. Suggest that you (or the Mods) put this in the lift-share forum.
  6. It’s a f**king disgrace. Any team that can have a squad with players with squad numbers of 80+ can quite comfortably cope with the odd Cup replay. All so Liverpool can have a lucrative away tie at FC Valletta or some other equivalently huge team in the pointless early stages of a European trophy they aren’t going to win.
  7. chris_nre

    Avalon 2024

    Hobos are not a thing anymore unfortunately.
  8. Payday today. Tickets now paid for. See you in August.
  9. Have to wait until payday at the end of the month to get mine.
  10. Nothing substantial on route to Net Zero, nothing on tackling pollution in rivers and coastline.
  11. All soundbites and no substance. Not sure cancelling the remainder of HS2 would pay for all the infrastructure projects he rattled off, let alone including resurfacing all the roads.
  12. Conservative Party deputy chair Nickie Aiken says Rishi Sunak is "right" to delay making a decision on the future of HS2. Aiken says the PM is looking "at the numbers with the chancellor" and considering "what is best for taxpayers' money”. "This is not the government's money. This is taxpayers' hard earned money," The Tories are not normally so concerned at wasting tax payers money when it suits them or benefits their mates!
  13. Most of the Fens too. I might have a beach front property in about 20 years!
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