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  1. How busy is Monday usually? I'm assuming a large portion of the Fred Again crowd will head straight to Four tet. What are the chances of the Revolut stage being full?
  2. These people rushing to the front of the Pyramid at 10.30am, are they standing in that spot all day?
  3. That'll be it then. Thought it might be a staff bar.
  4. May have already been said, but Glastonbury doesn't appear on Seth Troxler's tour dates anymore.
  5. Best put some wood chippings down. That'll sort it.
  6. Surely it has to be an improvement on wow/sonic, otherwise why change the name?
  7. mike86

    Your Line Up?

    DJ set. Should be nice and chilled though.
  8. His tour dates say he playing Thursday, and he's elsewhere the Saturday. Could be a mix up with dates. The Saturday seems to fit him, no reason for it to be a TBA though.
  9. When are Bicep appearing at levels? I've missed it.
  10. People that stay up until sunrise, do you just sleep through the next day or just power through? I used to do an all nighter on Sundays, but I can't hack that now.
  11. No TBA on Thursday, unless he's been booked as a replacement.
  12. Seth troxler. Glastonbury is on his tour dates, but I can't see him on the lineup. - nevermind, it's the Thursday.
  13. In 2016 the traffic was crazy due to the mud delaying the opening of car parks. Took our coach over 10 hours to get down from Manchester. A group of lads cracked open their drugs tin about 6 hours in. We arrived as the sun was setting. I'm really curious how their tent setup went.
  14. Where do you view your delivery status? And is it the only lead booker that can view it?


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