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Everything posted by tarw

  1. tarw


    Its probably one of the few things that I would listen to Supre’s opinion on. I know as much about the selling ability of a band in the States as he does about Glastonbury
  2. tarw

    Volunteering 2024

    From my experience only one person in each group has a radio. You will always be in groups of two for safety so you probably won’t have to use one. Deafzone have some volunteers at the festival and provide services there. You might want to contact them for advice if you suffer from hearing loss.
  3. tarw

    The churnups

    Are you saying that nice guys don’t have affairs?
  4. Ah right hospitality tickets. The festival does sell those! I’m not sure about the numbers but I would have thought that for each ticket that they sold they would need to provide a space in hospitality camping and probably at a lower density than general. I know that @Ayrshire Chris has been in the campsite and might have some idea of numbers. AFAIK the tickets are sold by the festival at about double the price as normal tickets but only to music industry people. Some of these might be sold on by some companies at a higher price
  5. Not a massive technicality at all. It’s the answer to the question masked. The festival don’t sell any “VIP” tickets which was what was asked! To me VIP tickets involve access to special viewing areas and bars. As far as I know the only viewing areas are one on top of the mixing desk which is for Emily’s invited guests. A lot of whom are artists agents etc that she wants to schmooze and show them what an opportunity the festival would be for them. A hospitality ticket might get you access to some of the crew bars but only if they’re quiet and it’s easy enough to get in anyway. If the question was how many glamping tickets are available then that’s different. The festival sell Worthy View and Sticklinch but those aren’t really VIP. The off-site glamping sites are not run by the festival and as the tickets are given in return for using land the numbers are not known because of commercial sensitivity. I think that there are far more glamping tickets than there used to be. Just look at the question section of the forum. 10 years ago there were hardly any threads about glamping, now they make up about half.
  6. Glastonbury doesn’t sell any VIP tickets! There are hospitality tickets, that meant to be for the music industry, which have a separate camping area and access to office facilities in the interstage areas. Some hospitality tickets are given to local landowners to pay for using their land. Most of them use their allocation to have their own glamping sites which are varying degrees of VIP and price. So the festival doesn’t sell them and the total number of tickets used for VIP options area a mystery
  7. tarw

    Volunteering 2024

    I’d definitely agree about Shambala. Didn’t see any nitrous at all and those who were on coke stuck out because there were so few of them
  8. tarw

    Volunteering 2024

    It’s definitely a part but I think that the higher expectations people have is also a factor. I can’t remember the last time I saw a bin bag used as a poncho or someone using a wheelybin that they’d bought cans of Stella in to sell as a tent. People are paying a lot more relatively for a ticket and expect a clean safe environment. And get arsey when they don’t get it.
  9. tarw

    Volunteering 2024

    I’d probably agree that there is more agro now. I think that it’s down to people having more expectations than they used to and the availability of coke.
  10. To park in the accessible car park you will need an accessible parking pass. You will get one when you register to use the accessible facilities using the link @paulshane gave. It doesn’t matter if you don’t use the other facilities (but I’d at least check them out) you still need to register
  11. tarw

    Volunteering 2025

    It started off as accessibility- Stone Circle’s dreadful experience. But quickly became a bit of a slanging match
  12. tarw

    Volunteering 2025

    Changes seem to be afoot in many areas of the festival. It’s a changing of the guard. A lot of it seems to be positive. I just hope that the festival doesn’t loose its identity with too much change too quickly
  13. tarw

    Volunteering 2025

    It’s probably best to have a look through past years threads rather than ask!
  14. I think that they may have at least one more headline set left in them before they look at a legend spot
  15. tarw

    Volunteering 2025

    It depends on what type of volunteering you want to do. If you’ve got medical skills and don’t mind bringing your day job to a festival there’s FMS or Festimed and a few other companies that do all sorts of festivals. If you’re artistic there’s bin painting or build and break work at other festivals. Oxfam is probably the most general and cover the most festivals. For Glastonbury there is a spreadsheet with all of the opportunities on created by @Leyrulion I think somewhere on this thread. For other festivals have a look at their websites or if Oxfam suits you then apply for a load of different festivals through them
  16. tarw


    Out of those there’s probably quite a few who wanted them if they could go online and get them in 10 mins. I’m sure that a lot of them will have given up after an hour of waiting, being mistaken for a bot, being kicked out of the queue, bad gateways etc. I wonder how many people who REALlY wanted them enough to put up with that and were prepared to pay the surge price failed?
  17. tarw


    And being part of the same company that owns Live Nation, Festival Republic and all of the Academy Music venues means that the others will live on scraps anyway
  18. This. Just a couple of years of only those able to afford £750+ tickets would change the demographic that much it would no longer be as popular
  19. tarw


    The artist is just as much scum for asking TM to turn on dynamic pricing.
  20. tarw


    The only difference is that TM and Oasis are making the money rather than a cockney in a long leather jacket. I suppose it’s better the money goes to the artist than a small time commodity dealer but not much for the fan
  21. tarw

    Volunteering 2024

    At Shambala this year Oxfam were given the contract for providing safety briefings to all people arriving before public gates opening and giving them their build and break H&S wristbands. Matt said that they hope to do more of that next year. Shambala do seem to give as many roles as possible to Oxfam
  22. tarw

    Volunteering 2024

    One thing struck me about Oxfam whilst I was at Shambala was the money made for Oxfam. We were told that stewarding raises £1.5 million for them. If Glastonbury makes them £1m then that’s only £500k for the other festivals. The two I worked had 500&600 volunteers. That’s 26,400 man hours! On those two festivals alone. How much money does each volunteer raise? I didn’t do My Cause because it only raises £30 for my charity but does Oxfam raise much more?
  23. tarw

    Volunteering 2024

    I think that it’s just luck. At Shambala I had a Wednesday shift and a Monday shift with an overnight in the main arena. As the main arena was in the Jazz Club until 06:00 I only had 3 hours of standing around in the drizzle chatting to people crawling back to their tents that wasn’t a good time. Last year I had Oxfield shifts so I can sympathise
  24. tarw

    Volunteering 2024

    600 places at Shambala and 500 at Wilderness we were told
  25. I’m on shift until midnight. But will be going for a pint after if the bus is still open
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