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  1. 1. Just Mustard - Heart Under 2. Wunderhorse - Cub 3. Black Country, New Road - Ants From Up There 4. Fontaines DC - Skinty Fia 5. The Smile - A Light for Attracting Attention Track - Denzel Curry - The Last Gig - The Cribs - Brudenell
  2. Bit of a random one but I've got two tickets for their show in Kingston with Banquet Records. I can't make it anymore and can't get a refund, so if anybody is interested drop me a message!
  3. I’m camped a 2 minute walk from Gate D in Dairy. If you fancy a beer/catching a band drop me a message but no pressure!
  4. Got a spare to give away if anyone fancies it. Can email over.
  5. Yes you’re right, at the time of that post they were available but gone now.
  6. Still available for London on O2 Priority.
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