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  1. Mine do, they're not the most stylish! I tend to wear long skirts most of the time so get away with wearing them ahah
  2. Wearing compression socks really helps my legs feel fresh. It might help your feet as well. I started wearing them for helping with running injuries, but now I'm hooked and wear them round the house. My friend is a dog walker and she's converted as well!
  3. 24°C in summer isn't a heatwave...
  4. c8lin

    Block 9 lineup

    Same, I haven't queued since 2017 and we always go right after the headliners. I don't think it's a coincidence that iicon is the first field you get to in the one way system and is absolutely massive. It seems to help absorb a lot of people.
  5. c8lin

    Block 9 lineup

    No queue for iicon or genosys, they're just open fields with the 'stages' at the front. Though you may have to queue to get in the SE corner. You need to queue for the downlow, the meat rack is a smaller room inside the downlow if I remember correctly.
  6. I had my time of the month at Glastonbury 2019. I use a mooncup and it was a godsend because I hardly needed to think about it. I think using period pants as a backup would have helped even more. I read that, hormone wise, you're actually at your strongest on the first day of your period, so it could help for the trek to the campsite!!!
  7. c8lin

    Resale Club 2023

    You might be friends with some of the people on efests but I'm quite sure you don't personally know every person who helped you get a ticket last year. Don't really see how that's different to an influencer who's been on Instagram for a number of years?
  8. c8lin

    Resale Club 2023

    Pretty sure crazyfool complained about influencers being able to utilise their following despite using the resale groups last year? (Not calling one person out here, that's just one example I can think of off the top of my head, there's plenty more). Not really sure why someone using an Instagram following is any different to someone using efests to help get tickets
  9. c8lin

    Resale Club 2023

    It's very ironic the amount of complaining on here that it's impossible to get tickets unless you're in a big group, given the widespread use of efests resale groups. What's more worrying is efests users suggesting that people who come to glastonbury to see the likes of JayZ or Beyonce are less worthy than people who come to see old white man guitar bands. Quite frankly, there's a whole vibe in this thread that efests users deserve to be at Glastonbury more than anyone else. If anything, I'm glad some of the entitled, obnoxious people on here didn't get tickets! (Back to reading the camping essentials thread I go)
  10. Eurgh. Bit reductionist to assume that people who like the nightlife stuff or do coke aren't music lovers. The beauty of glastonbury is that you can watch overmono at iicon and then 8 hours later be watching kikagaku moyo do their final UK gig at west Holtz. Also there is pretty much some form of dance music running throughout the day at silver hayes or sangri la, so if that's all 'the druggies' are interested in, then surely they would be there rather than at the sets you deem suitable for proper music lovers? Lots of my group do a lot of coke over the festival but never in sight of children, and don't talk through the set. The problem is that people get over excited at a festival and just don't realise their surroundings, I'm sure if you told most of them "look mate, nobody minds drugs but just don't do it front of kids" 95% of them would listen. Security and/or the rest of the crowd aren't doing this, so it becomes normalised. And, not you, but don't get me started on people being snobby about sugababes. For 'music lovers' in their late twenties/thirties, they were one of the most prolific girl bands of our childhood - who wouldn't want to be at their comeback gig!
  11. Got in a good spot for sugababes by watching the last couple of nick mulvey songs. It was 11/10, absolutely incredible life changing stuff!
  12. c8lin

    Queue watch

    Coach entry queue at gate A moving reaaaaalllly slow
  13. I use yr.no all the time and they quite frequently predict rainfall as heavy as this, which never comes to fruition. Usually they're correct about there being some rain but never quite the volume they suggest. I'm not worried!
  14. I was in Cambridge Botanic Gardens that day; I worked nearby and decided to pop over during my lunch break, wearing a suit. It was not pleasant.
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