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  1. We are going for a spacey silver/gold outfit for celestial bodies
  2. No idea yet but very excited for it! Some very exciting names on here. I remember a tent years ago very similar that disappeared. Great to see something similar coming back. It reminds me of San Remo at Glasto
  3. Anyone else disappointed that Bicep are going to be on the Sunday evening. They're definitely an artist for Friday or Saturday night.
  4. The festival starts on Thursday
  5. Someone posted this on Reddit. I asked for a source but they've since deleted their account...
  6. I would love to see Romy live. Sampha is awesome!
  7. I've been 5 years now. They are fairly strict with alcohol searches on the way in but I've always had loads more in a large cool box and said it's shared between several people, they've never actually counted them. Entering the arena there is a checkpoint where they check bags but if you have drinks concealed in pockets etc. they don't search your person. Just don't walk up to them with a drink obviously in hand. I've never had to queue entering the arena, it's just 2 people stood by a gate stopping people with bags. Weird that the line up isn't out yet. For 2023, the line-up was announced in November 2022! I've been told it's coming very soon so finger's crossed!
  8. Have seen Bicep a couple of times and they are incredible but I'll be watching PSB this time
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