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  1. Thank goodness glasto is one of the festival's that uses very few portaloos. A terrible solution in 21st century.
  2. dulcificum


    Don't be so beholden to sticking with a group. So much time wasted faffing waiting for others. Go get lost by yourself and see the things you want to see. Talk to the person next to you and make new connections.
  3. The Palestine flags at the PJ Harvey set brought a massive smile to my face and getting vital political protest on the BBC (rather than inane in jokes and unfunny memes) is exactly one of the reasons why flags are important.
  4. dulcificum


    Have checked several of the general stores and no luck. Don't remember seeing any at the coop either...
  5. I thought the whole site is covered by a notam for the duration that public is on site?
  6. dulcificum


    Is there anywhere selling mouthwash on site?
  7. dulcificum

    Chess Board

    There's usually a board games area somewhere around green fields or green futures iirc.
  8. No idea what the issue was. Some idiot drivers but thst still didn't explain 3h from Shepton Mallet to the car parks. Never had that issue in over a decade of Wednesday afternoon arrivals.
  9. Lol that was utter shite. Like a sixth former's a level project. Uncreative tick box crap. A 3d pyramid, CND sign and glasto logo. Worsr bits were the 2 fps butterflies, "love" and the shite hovering hummingbird. It can't have been cheap, you would have thought they'd get someone on board with a modicum of artistic talent...
  10. They are almost never strict on this. They didn't even scan my free tickets so I texted them to friends who also got in after 19:00 on the same tickets.
  11. https://www.ticketmaster.co.uk/event/1F005F52E5AF510F?did=uksjmsbusted Busted Brighton Sunday free
  12. Can you give more details on these? I thought there was hosts file ip address stuff in 2013, I can't see how a typo would help?
  13. Last year was round robin DNS so this wouldn't have worked.
  14. https://glastonbury.seetickets.com/event/glastonbury-2024-deposits/worthy-farm/3500000
  15. The worst thing about this whole debacle is the huge amounts of mainstream and social media coverage just two weeks before the sale and with registrations open! I suspect this will be one of the busiest years yet.
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