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Everything posted by kelstar

  1. Have to keep an eye on it. I know a few people who used it for parking for Victorious as it’s walkable instead of paying the ridiculous priced park & ride.
  2. Been into town recently and we parked in crasswell street. What bloody happened, most of it is closed! Thinking a lot of victorious people could use it and now can’t! Any locals know what’s going on?
  3. Last I heard they were seeding the bandstand area, and I believe its due to open early summer. So if beats and swing stays in the DDay car park, Seaside stage opens, more to announce later? As they usually have some good names on both stages.
  4. Victorious have asked the facebook page to remove the leaked poster - Same happened on here last year
  5. The announcement is dropping around 10am from what people are saying, Wave jumped the gun and announced.
  6. The "Headliners" were confirmed on the local radio station Wave 105 - From what I am reading on another forum
  7. Your right, Only a few years ago, it was in the local paper first thing, shared all over social media then like clockwork, 10-10.30 Victorious Post (Its always on my mid morning tea break they post lol)
  8. Keep an eye on the Portsmouth News, They often reported it before Victorious facebook announces.
  9. Last year it was about a week after the sign went up on castle field.
  10. Blink 182 Start their UK tour in Belfast on Monday 26th August!
  11. Fingers crossed we should be getting our first announcement in 6-8weeks time.
  12. I would really like a real ale area to come back. As we do have some really nice breweries like Urban Island and Staggeringly in Portsmouth. I hoping it may come back once the seaside stage comes back, as the D-Day car park was the real ale area with a small stage. Cup/rubbish collection by kids was awesome, and definitely kept rubbish down.
  13. Over the weekend, me and a group of friends who go to Victorious were talking about what we would like to see at the festival (Not specific bands etc) Things that came up were, Real ale tent to come back, silent disco to come back, Circus to come back for the kids, Dance tent/stage. So I thought I asked everyone, what would you like to see at the festival, not that it will happen as I have nothing to do with Victorious, but someone from Victorious may see!
  14. Seaside stage will hopefully be back next year. They are now repairing the grass, adding topsoil to reseed it! Which means if they keep everything the same as 2023 - It will again get bigger.
  15. I have not used public transport (Local buses & Taxis) for the last 2 years, if Im honest (But I have in years before).....I got my Dad to collect my family. As it was very long queues for buses and taxis. A lot of people suggest leaving before the end each day, otherwise its a wait from what I am told. Most of the locals will be heading the same way, onto buses, trains and taxis x
  16. I’ve mentioned before, but my group of friends and family have a completely different taste in music to what Victorious used to offer. We are more Dance/Pop with a bit of well known chart indie or rock. Normally there was only 1 or 2 acts we would really want to see, but most of the time, we were not overly bothered with the line up. (Don’t get me wrong, we still enjoyed ourselves, but it was not about the music line up) Yet booked tickets every year on early bird tier one for the full weekend. By 2017, prices were creeping up, drink and food prices were high, trying to get home after festival on public transport was chaos. (Locals so no hotels needed) Most of us have been going since it was free, so it may not have been a lot of money in 2017, but it was a lot more than in 2011. We felt paying all that money for the whole weekend for a handful of acts was not worth it. So that year we waited for the line up to be announced and went for one day only. The day we didn’t go, being local, it was a nightmare. Our local supermarket is the Sainsburys next to campsite. It honestly looked raided and was full of festival goers grabbing bacon, beers and burgers, and washing in the toilets. (Okay, should have gone somewhere else, but we honestly didn’t think about it at the time) we couldn’t head to Southsea, as all buses/pubs/car parks were rammed. Closed roads. Couldn’t invite friends and family down (as it was near my birthday) as all hotels were sold out. Couldn’t do a birthday night out as a lot of friends went to the festival……hence these days I’m back to buying a tier 1 weekend ticket, if I cant beat them, join them so they say 😉 (but I can see why a lot of locals get fed up with the growing size of the festival, it does really impact our area, although Victorious does give back a lot to the local area) Since 2017, Victorious have definitely added more of the music me and my friends like. And we usually have a good 2-3 acts per day. And the comedy adds something different. Anyhow if you’re still with me and not fallen asleep. I totally get people being hesitant over the jump in price. And it doesn’t matter if your local or not (although I totally get it’s double with hotels and transport) It’s all about is there enough acts you really want to see to warrant paying out whatever you pay, and it’s that game of do you buy without knowing the line up! I’m already going in 2024, tickets are bought, as I do enjoy the festival, but I’m hoping seeing the big increases will hopefully bring in a few big headliners….and at least one maybe what we like lol.
  17. With the price increases over the years, Victorious is trying to become one of the bigger festivals (Obviously not Glastonbury, Reading or Leads level) Therefore I would expect to see some bigger acts as our headliners.
  18. Mine is actually not a moan, but a hope with the increase in ticket prices, we may see some bigger headliners this year. As I have already bought tickets. Although I do understand for some people the increase will make them think twice about coming.
  19. 2014: I Paid £16.20 plus £1.20 booking fee....for Early Bird in March 2014 I hope they are getting from good acts lol
  20. Weekend Price 2023 for Early Bird 2 was £160 plus £12.80 Weekend Price 2024 for Early Bird 1 is £180.00 plus £14.40 Big increases this year x
  21. Thanks for the tips everyone! I will definitely look into to some. Sounds like the app was just scheduling thing rather than taking photos of the timings or buying a lanyard. We have areas we all meet, and phone signal was better. but thanks for the other tips. Have we seen the price increases!!! £180 weekend £65 a day
  22. Changing the subject: Did anyone get the app working? I had high hopes for this, as you shared your schedule prior to being at the festival (So no signal needed) and the find my friends is based on GPS. However we couldnt get it working fully......was this me or just the app? - When I shared my schedule with friends, some people could add it, some people, just didnt work.....and I had the same issue, I could add some friends, but not others. - Couldnt find a friend on the map, just wouldnt work
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