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  1. I am annoyed I missed this place!
  2. My husband is the same with the BBQ foods 🙂 did you find somewhere good for it this year?
  3. Same, they always look so good but I haven't had the patience to wait. I should have gotten one from the pizza place in Silver Hayes on Thursday when it was still quiet!
  4. On a tangent from the best/worst food thread, I'm curious if all the stalls were equal in quality what food you would crave the most? I always want mac & cheese (there were lots of places this year but I didn't actually find a good one, if someone did, please let me know!!), some kind of chips, or a burrito 😄 despite all the other (likely) more delicious options available!
  5. Hello! I know this is a really silly question, but can you enter via gate A from the west car parks? Or is it for the coach arrivals only? I have studied the new map but can't see a clear path... Thank you 🙂
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