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Drums Please Fab

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Drums Please Fab last won the day on August 26 2024

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  1. She's a bit of a geebag as we would say in Ireland. Hopefully she doesnt act the geebag next year.
  2. Yeah Bloc Party were superb, but their new stuff isnt great . It was the old stuff that held the show together. I find it hard to articulate, but it just feels like it's the end of the naughties and tens "officially". Covid might have bought us the odd reunion or anniversary tour cash grab, but it feels like the candle is about to burn out for good on most of the bands I held dear. Im turning into the guy in the Rolling Stones T Shirt harking back to the good old days.
  3. I agree with all of that. I found it so easy going. As you say, so stress free. Picked up wrist band in the city in U-Music hotel. Toilet and bar situation was grand. The weather in Madrid was mental though wasnt it. Crazy thunder and lightening. It does look like they lost their conkers on the festival though. But it was fairly short notice comparatively. Hopefully they can solidify it with a proper 9 month lead in. I had to sell my second ticket on ticket swap and only got 85 quid for it on the day itself. You couldnt give them away. LCD are just class. Ive had a very "end of an era" type year or two music wise. Seen Interpol do TOTBL, Arcade Fire do Funeral, Bloc Party do Silent Alarm, Death Cab/Postal Service, Arcade Monkeys look like they are gone for a while (or for good according to another poster who is in the know) and then LCD this weekend. I actually looked at LCD on stage this weekend and thought that some of them were starting to look old. Im losing my edge.....the kids are coming up from behind. But I was there.....
  4. Thats true. it is essentially just IFEMA's car park. It was nice though. Best toilet/bar setup ive EVER experienced at a festival.
  5. Transatlantacism live is a bucket lister.
  6. This is actually deadly! Lovely lay out. Maybe the fact it’s not too packed helps. its cool Death Cab were great
  7. The XX would be unreal. Seen them in the Tivoli in Dublin in 2018 before it closed. Only a few hundred people. Think they did it as a favour for someone.
  8. Whats the story with Radiohead? A few years away from a return?
  9. Love pop music. Love house. Love rap. Love rock. Love most music really. Hence my membership of a music forum. Off to Kalorama Madrid this Thursday. Not much guitars there this year.


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