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Camden Leisure Pirate

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    Drinking too much red drink, dog bothering and skanking

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  1. Out of upvotes for this thread, 100% my favourite on here, thank you for the updates 🫶 the best of all the years yet !!
  2. Out of upvotes was defo funny👌👌👌
  3. Out of upvotes today! ^^This is definitely the way forward though!
  4. Alright mate, I've always loved the Glade area too. It was still awesome last year, the trees stage is still the same but they have changed the Spike bar next to it and made it bigger, pretty chilled and easy to get a drink. And also there is a larger stage opposite the Spike for the bigger Glade style acts, Jon Digweed was one last time and it generally works pretty well!! 🙂
  5. All our close crew got in, 3 groups, longest sale ever, then managed to get a few more groups in after up until half ten ish, so 17 groups from our lot in total, the Glasto Gods were kind this year! Sending good vibes to all of those going through re-sale...its defo not over yet, my ticket last Glasto was pretty much last min of resale!! ..feeling blessed🙌
  6. Love this....some set right there🙌
  7. Totally agree, I still enjoy it, but it has definitely lost some of its soul! it may have been a bit more DIY but seemed much more creative.
  8. Fish and Tits and generally all of that area was so good, messy af and loads of secret bits, I remember walking into a little rave room to see a fella squeeze between some fencing so we followed straight through to the trash city bar....done up like a cocktail bar with big white piano..the lot, with about 3 people in it!!! I miss trash city😪
  9. No way...brilliant! next level self control mate, would've lasted for about two mins after I'd bought em if it was me! with anything like that im like>>
  10. 🤣🤣 They don't make school trips like they used to!
  11. 🤣 all round good times tho! was about as long ago for me! different world...we got away with owt!
  12. Yeah I get that tbf, I got into them listening to them on the dog walk, easy way to take my brain out! I can only get away with music when I work though, podcasts always distract me too much, I've not managed that multi tasking lark yet!
  13. 🤣 mate just like those days!! aaah French bangers!! I just chuck em in hold luggage next to the throwing stars😉
  14. Do you listen to the Off Menu Podcast with Ed Gamble and James Acaster ? just thought I'd mention in case you don't, its funny af 🙂
  15. 🙂 cheers bro...I couldn't believe how easy it was to sort! Yeah its a Samsung screen but in an Eltectriq case, I loves it! and yeah that is three Opinels🤦‍♂️ I always get them from France when I go biking or snowboarding...even though they are just glorified letter/package openers most of the time!!
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