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  1. Db79

    Anyone else unwell?

    Last week after returning from Glasto I dreamt that Avril Lavigne broke into my greenhouse at the allotment and destroyed all my tomato plants, I also had night terrors the same night where I couldn't move. Next day, got up, went down the allotment. Two tomato plants dead. Avril Lavigne had played the Castlefield Bowl in Manchester the night before. What a bitch!
  2. Absolutely loved reading this. It's so interesting how all our festivals are completely different. On the "nice one geezer" front, I met a couple at genosys around 2am in 2015, and they are some of my closest friends now. I went to their wedding overseas in 2019. I had less random chats with strangers this year but put that down to me getting older, being better behaved, and going to bed earlier!
  3. We've had this 3 years in a row now. Aiming for Gate D, get diverted to Gate A. Friends arrive 2 hours later get into gate D and enter site 2 hours before us. I'm convinced it's because the coaches get priority when they start arriving, but when we made the gate, the stewards organising the entry were appalling. Just letting the coach arrivals enter all the queues and the car people confined to the end two. Lots of people were struggling in the heat with all their kit. I had to sit in the shade for 2 hours when we got in and couldn't even help put the tents up! Next year if they shut D, my plan is to wait at the junction until they reopen it again.
  4. Db79

    Anyone else unwell?

    I usually have dodgy guts that has meant having to exit sets through dense crowds, and this year employed a new strategy. Only eat food that comes with a fork (so no burgers/burritos etc) and antibac wipe my phone each day. Worked a treat!
  5. Interesting thread. I got caught up in the TLC crush a couple of years ago between Other and West Holts, and since then it's changed how I move across the site. I managed to do Barry Can't Swim to Confidence Man to Sugababes this year by arriving and leaving at sensible times and standing in sensible places. Ended up ditching Avril because although we looped round the railway, the issues were being caused by people watching through the hedge blocking everything up. The view and sound there were both bad, so I think people just need to have more common sense in general. You can watch it on telly, go see something else. I do think that putting former headliners like the Killers or Kasabian on at Woodsies is clearly a bad idea though, especially now there is more infrastructure there like the Tree Stage. Shout out to the stewards with the batons. On a couple of occasions I saw them dealing with angry shouty people and did it really calmly and really well. It must be a difficult job.
  6. Db79

    Dua Lipa

    Loved the set in the field, one of my favourites of the whole weekend. Having watched it back on the telly, it didn't seem to have quite the same impact. Could be because I was behind a speaker and I felt the bass rattling my bones at times. Seemed a lot louder in real life.
  7. I've never put one back on the basis of a line up and never would (0/12). We have a reasonably large group and some of them have done so over the years. Main reasons for this are: - financial change - family change (pregnant etc) - because their best mates within the group didn't get tickets, so they all decided to go to a different festival together - because they deliberately went in the main sale with a view to making the decision in April, and decided against it. I would say this year that the noise about the line up is louder than other years. Nobody has yet said they are giving up their ticket, but a lot of people in the groups that didn't get tickets are not bothering with the resale on the strength of the line up. Hopefully that means more tickets going back than usual to the resale, and less people trying to get them.
  8. Ahhhh the Glastonbury cry! This year I caved early, on Friday. I love Chvrches anyway, we got right to the front, and they were simply stunning throughout. Also cried during Daniel by Elton. My dad used to play that album on repeat in the car on our annual camping trip to Scotland when I was little. Last year, I cried during Emmy Lou by First Aid Kit who I've loved for years but never seen live. I ended up with sun cream in my eye balls, so a little happy tear led to lots of painful tears and a trip from First Aid Kit at Other to the First Aid Tent near West Holts to have my eyes washed out. All rather embarrassing!
  9. I went to my first glasto in 2008 with my best mate who lives miles away and a group of his friends I barely knew back then. Last minute decision as it had not sold out, I got my ticket 2 days before the festival. I'd recently come out and was struggling with it, he'd known for a while, but I hadn't the nerve to tell the big group of "lads" we were camping with on my first night at a festival. I went off for a wander and when I got back to camp, ended up going to bed knackered. I woke up in my tent in the middle of the night when everyone came back and they were all up chatting outside. The news had got out and I overheard lots of comments like "I wouldn't like if if my best mate came out to me" etc. I then listened to my friend stand up for me in the most brilliant fashion, completely unaware I could hear. I spent the next day on my own wandering around the site, I just didn't know how to react to what I'd heard from others in the group, and my first full day at Glasto was spent speaking to strangers, finding new places, and chilling in hammocks. It helped me gather my thoughts and is one of my favourite days in all 11 Glastos I've been to. Just me, my thoughts, a big festival, and no plan. In the evening I met back up with everyone, and decided to just have the discussion before the music started on the Friday. It cleared the air, we all ended up having a great festival, I've been back with that same group every year now and for the last 5 with my boyfriend in tow. I was best man to that best friend when he got married 8 years later and am the godfather to his two boys. He's long since stopped going, but I have promised to take the boys one day. There is magic and healing in that place.
  10. Usually only pre or post headliner and/or the tracks to the late night areas. It doesn't happen between acts mid afternoon.
  11. Also agree that some clearly big crowds have been put on small stages. Pyramid line up is pretty weak this year, it has the biggest field and best access so having acts like Wet Leg, TLC and Sugababes on there would probably have sorted some of the bottleneck issues.
  12. Other to West Holts for TLC was intense. Nobody moving anywhere for ten mins, and people starting to push when there was no room. Don't remember ever queuing for a urinal before, now they're rammed and you can't get in. Feels like there are so many more people this year, takes ages getting anywhere. If it was muddy we would be in serious shit.
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