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  1. I found this video on You Tube. I thought it might give out a, Started With a Stick, vibe!!!
  2. Ohh!! Wow!!! That’s amazing!! Thank-You so much. I had given up hope!! I’ll just send you a message with my details.
  3. Could somebody nominate me please?! I can nominate that person back, if need be!!!
  4. Thanks for pestering your friend for me!! Bodington was miles away. I didn’t consider applying there because I was 23 when I started University. That meant I was two years away from being classed as a mature student. So I was too boring to go there. I wouldn’t have got drunk all the time, like you lot. I’d have just got bored and depressed. I think there are advantages to being far away from a campus nowadays though. I hear University campuses aren’t policed too well anymore and you can be badly attacked on them!
  5. I lived in Headingley for a while, after I left University. It had amazing takeaways and fish and chip shops. I used to shop in the high street there, all the time. I used the ATM, Tesco’s, KFC. One day I looked at the news, after I had left. And all of those shops, banks and services had been burnt down, in a race riot!! I haven’t been back since. So I don’t know if anything survived!!
  6. I think Lupton flats has been demolished since then. I think they built the, new, Leeds Beckett University there. I remember wandering around to view a few accommodation options, for my third year. I didn’t go inside the complex of Lupton, but I reached the outside area and found it really dreary and depressing. It didn’t appeal to me at all. I’ve since read somewhere that one of the Yorkshire Rippers victims was murdered around there. She was actually a student in the hall. It didn’t seem like the sort of place you’d worry about being thrown out of.
  7. What halls were you’re friends in?
  8. The ballot box in Leeds Univetsity Union was one of those things that was actually built into the enquiry desk. It was actually part of the desk. Made of the same wood and so on. This made it all the more surprising that no-one knew what it was for. This was made even more perplexing by the fact that, this ballot box, wasn’t attached to the desk at the wall, but was perched, on the corner. This box was a typical Yorkshire ballot box. You couldn’t miss it. It didn’t hide in any corners and it stood out like a sore thumb. Yet seven years after the miners strike no-one even knew what it was for!!
  9. Those general election ballot boxes do look like useful boxes. I’m a box re-user myself, in fact. If I ever get a useful box, I use it for something else. Our local second-hand shop sells really cheap vases. I bought some really nice ones for under £1 a few years ago. Now things have become more expensive I might have to consider cutting up old washing-up bottles; in case I run out of vases.
  10. I couldn’t even remember voting in the AGM elections at Leeds University. Then I remember jotting Liz’s name down. I remember tapping on this door. The room attached to the door had loads of people inside. So I thought this was where you cast your vote. The occupants of the room re-directed me. It turned out the ballot box was in the, quiet, main office, right at the top of the stairs. I seem to remember that there was a bit of an enquiry about what an AGM vote consisted in. Then, eventually, someone put a form in front of me and told me to fill it in. The ballot box had probably made Arthur Scargill head of the miners union. But nobody new where it was and it was built into the desk right next to me. It didn’t sound very full, as I posted my vote. So if no-one else had found the ballot box, at least Liz had a good chance of winning.
  11. Since Liz Truss had been elected for Prime Minister, I’ve been trying to recall if I had met her; when I was at University. It was such a big place. I had given up all hope. Then the other day I recalled going to a seminar, for a module on the German Philosopher Leibniz. I told this girl there that I’d swapped Aristotle for Plato earlier in the year. She told me she’d had an unpleasant row with the Plato lecturer. I sympathised with her. Then she told me that she was running for the annual AGM elections, in Leeds Student Union. So I jotted her name down on the top of an A4 pad. Then I voted for her to win the election that afternoon. She obviously won. I guess. Anyway I thought I’d tell you lot this, because it’s your sort of thing. I really had forgot about it all. I guess it’s still good news that I recall a meeting with a Prime Minister, while at University. I looked for a better thread for this topic, but I couldn’t find one. At least now she’s left Number 10, Liz won’t end up in the, Conservative Minsters That Have died in Long Drops, thread.😆
  12. Stutty

    Glastonbury 2022 Vlogs

    It’s really nice to see a success story.
  13. Stutty

    Glastonbury 2022 Vlogs

    I found this really entertaining. He clearly didn’t expect to get in so quickly! That’s what I like about it.
  14. Stutty

    Glastonbury 2022 Vlogs

    Here’s another fence jump Vlog!!!
  15. Stutty

    Glastonbury 2022 Vlogs

    I first saw it a few months ago. I thought it was ideal, post ticket sale, stuff. I don’t know anything about it’s history.
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