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  1. Just curious. Is the white cross that Anne Goode erected still standing? I remember seeing it up on the hillside in 2023, but didn't spot it this year. Has it been taken down now or did I just miss it?
  2. If you can afford to do it/commitments allow, couldn't recommend it highly enough. I envisaged taking three months off to travel which then turned into nine, and it was the best year I've ever had. Came back to a new job fully refreshed and the plan is to repeat in a few years time if I can afford it. If you've got that luxury next year though, don't plan too much for the days post Glastonbury...enjoy the chance at a proper recovery!
  3. Oxfam Shambala spaces for this year's festival came up again this morning if anyone is looking to add a second festival to gain priority. Can't see if it's sold out again, but worth keeping an eye on as the cancellation date is coming up for those already registered so might be more slots due to come up.
  4. Snap. No other symptoms and I feel fine tbh, but I'm sounding like I've been smoking 40 a day since I was a child. Tickly irritating cough too. Did do a test as I was with friends all week, but nope, negative. Just your bog standard virus I guess.
  5. Two lads leaving the site early hours of Monday walking near the top of Muddy Lane: "Wow...do you ever think about the organisation this place must need to do all this..." "Yeah, it's huge isn't it?" "I mean, it must take an army to keep it all going." "Nah, no way mate. The Army wouldn't be able to handle this." Silence then ensued. Good to know it's Emily we should be relying on in future rather than the British Army if Putin kicks off...
  6. Better late than never, but now I'm back home and had a chance to get back to reality, just wanted to say what a fun evening this was😀 Thanks to @Avalon_Fields for capturing it so well with some great photos, and to @Crazyfool01 for organising...can confirm, efesters are a good bunch. Just wish I'd had longer to get round and meet everyone. And to any lurkers out there, do consider stopping by next year...what's the worst that can happen...you might even enjoy it😝(And on that note, a big hello to the lovely young chaps who told me they read here regularly but haven't yet created a login...go on, do it!) Until next year...
  7. Crowd loving it…can’t get near the tent but enjoying the cheers from inside.
  8. Yeah it’s pretty empty. Have just walked round to the right of the stage and was within about 8 rows of the front. Unreal. More seem to be joining the crowd though…maybe something else has just finished.
  9. Plenty of room at the National too.
  10. Yeah was coming down from the tipi field direction and could hardly move against the tide of people heading up to the Park. Thought it would be pretty rammed up there.
  11. Don’t know what the vibe was like at the front, but at the top of the field with a beer in hand, it was blissful.
  12. Can confirm the Pudding Wagon opposite Carhenge is worth a visit if you have a sweet tooth. Super friendly baker, and a great deal of brownie and milkshake for £6 (milkshake on its own was £5.50) Hit all the spots as it is indeed El Scorchio at present.
  13. Now I agree with the disappointment of finding out about the apparent absence of crumble…however I have spotted one of their rivals in the Leftfield…no idea what this interloper is like, but will certainly swing by to see what they’re offering…


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