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  1. Lil nas x is cool and puts on a show, definitely check out his album and ep!
  2. So are QOTSA playing this year for definite?
  3. Mad tough clashes - QOTSA I think though!
  4. Your super super cool man - many of us on here flouncing wishing we was Superscally 😕 keep up those insults that my 12 year old son uses! Twerp
  5. If you are 14 and under you can use the words melt and twerp. I get the feeling you are not though
  6. How old are you 😂 use the English language better, you could have easily said ‘I don’t think he’s headlining the other’ you said ‘ I haven’t heard of him so no way he’s headlining the other’ has it been a bad day for you?
  7. The reply most likely wouldn’t have been as patronising had you not made such a ludicrous comment solely based of your personal tastes, twerp
  8. Superscally has not heard of an artist so he simply can’t be big enough! Ridiculous comment - I couldn’t name you 1 Wizkid song but am aware he’s big enough
  9. I mainly listen to rock/metal and hip hop - take that with Robbie is the best gig I have ever been too!
  10. My Sunday would entail of 100 Gecs-Black Midi-Danny Brown- Death Grips- Blood Orange - The Wombats - Queens Of The Stone Age and then The Prodigy - mental 😂
  11. I’ll get you 2! Of course works both ways!
  12. Where’s your favourite bar/place to drink at glasto? I’ll meet you there for the inevitable drink when I’m proven right! 🤣
  13. Wouldn’t this also apply to Rod?
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