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About Jallen

  • Birthday 10/09/2000

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  • Interests
    Skateboarding, Gigs, Pints

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Apprentice (3/14)

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  1. I can't describe the things this would do to my heart rate.
  2. Sound, replace them with Turnstile
  3. The only clash I can see on the prospective clashfinder for me is Stray From the Path and Fever 333, which is strange considering how much their fanbase crosses over. I'm sure I'll get over it, especially with that Apex Stage on the Friday, literally just looking like one of my playlists
  4. Not heard anything regarding the time. We've had the announcement of the announcement, so now it's time to wait until we get the announcement for the time of the announcement
  5. Who was that person on the forums who had that very specific list? Took it with plenty of salt considering it included Gojira, Spiritbox, Limp Bizkit and a few other names. They seemed confident
  6. Might be case of just having to boost up the slots of acts they already have?
  7. Makes them all the less likely then. I'm honestly not even sure who they'd be able to get at this point
  8. QOSTA? Although I feel like given their UK dates announced yesterday, they're going to be added to Glastonbury *Also* Wow, I didn't realise it's 7 weeks away? 49 days???
  9. Surely we'll get a final announcement soon then if all of these adjustmenets are being made?
  10. From this, I think we can assume LB are definitely not going to be added to the lineup?
  11. Still hanging on to my string of hope for Babymetal to be added
  12. State Champs have announced they're doing a show in London at O2 Islington on the 9th of June. Could they maybe be added up in the next announcement?
  13. Haven't been interested in R&L so far this year but with the addition of a few bands on this announcement it atleast had me looking. It's hard to get excited about bands like Scowl or Knocked Loose playing R&L when there's absolutely zero draw for people who like those bands to be there in the first place. Hope they manage to draw decent crowds despite this!
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