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    2025 Headliners

    Is it that or is it the standard of headliner we the punters have raised our expectations of the size of acts we expect has moved up. Though older examples it was Glastonbury 2019 when I saw Michael E talking about them

    2025 Headliners

    He pulled out in 2014 and died in 2016 there was only one festival inbetween and did not seem to be any talk of him playing

    2025 Headliners

    Recon Madonna is behind Lana Del Ray for headliners now. The Eavis hold a grudge If you have heard the way he spoke about Chilli Peppers and Fleetwood Mac at one of the talks he did. If you f*ck over the festival then your out it seems for the most part. Unless you crawl back to them..... I doubt Madonnas ego could take that.
  4. By having the entrance on the side they definitely succeeded on crushing people on the way in - Id definitely prefer the wider uphill route This would make sense if they got rid of the stonebridge bar

    2024 Headliners

    That was two weeks ago, has she followed it up with anything?

    2024 Headliners

    Now I know there are some members on this forum that shout anyone who questions the likleyhood of Dua Lipa headlining next year down instantly (she doesnt love you sorry) But for me she is edging towards being ruled out. She is now a big deal and her next tour is likely to be in some large venues. These are normally (implied that not always but most of the time) are aranged a long time in advance. I feel that we would be expecting to hear on her tour news iminantly and there does not seem to be any stiring from her camp (that anyone shared here anywear) She seems to be taking an absolute age on her latest album and the last update was simply that it would be released next year could be September for all we know!!! This is no part questioning if she is big enough act to headline (she definitly is) but just questioning if she is still in the running for Glastonbury 24 Personally I think if there is not some news in the next month or so I think it might be time to to rule her out. I would add if she is ruled out for 24 - that probably makes her one of the imediate favourites for 25
  7. Lol I think I'm starting to realise efestivals is for the more miserable Glastonbury fans

    2024 Headliners

    Would it be fair to say that you can not imagine any possible future where Taylor Swift does not play a gig in Dublin on June the 30th across all possible timelines........
  9. Yeah but "imagine" will be as far as it goes. I can't perceive any situation where there will not be flags at Glastonbury
  10. I dont I'm I'm indifferent to them. My only point is theres going to be flags like it or not... So you might aswell just accept it and move on.
  11. So there was no problem with me suggesting that the solution to your problem was you finding it within your self to accept there are flags at Glastonbury??? It seems like the only positive solution to your problem
  12. Lol I dont expect anyone to change there behaviour that's your call Im sure you have enough common sense to realise no amount of being miserable on the internet about flags is going to get rid of them. So why bother continuing to moan about them ....
  13. It's not gonna happen though is it??? So you might as well accept it for what it is.
  14. Honestly the flags debate is tired.... there will be flags they did a vote and the majority of people voted in favour. The way I see it if you dont like flags you have 3 options 1) continue to be made unhappy by flags 2) work on yourself to find a way to become tolerant of flags 3) stop going to Glastonbury choose a festival without flags. Option 2 works out best. But each to there own. No point harbouring any expectation that flags or rules around them are gonna change
  15. AVALON.G

    2024 Headliners

    Honestly London is nearly twice the pop size of the entire country of Ireland that is where international visitors will gravitate to. Again Taylor does more than 3 or even 4 gigs in a row all the time so not a blocker. I'm not committed to thinking TS will headline The only point I'm making is people are celebrating finding conclusive evidence that she cant headline and its certainly not concrete its mostly assumptions at this point. Remember when Elton John was ruled out for having a gig in France?.. I think you need to wait for the 3rd gig in Ireland to actually exist before you rule her out. We will know in 2 weeks. Assuming the extra dates are announced straight after sales. Till then it seems absolutely bonkers to rule TS out. I know people seem absolutely desperate to rule her out but its definitely too soon for that. To quote Stevan Segall "assumption is the mother of all f*ck ups"
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