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  1. Yeah, the same. What’s your point? See also Springsteen at Wembley. It’s a pretty sad state of affairs. I’ve bought Springsteen tickets at an uncomfortable price. It’s ok to do that and at the same time be critical of the way these things are going.
  2. Justified in a capitalist system but not so much morally or for anyone with an ounce of reality. Agree with the not going bit though as that's the only way it changes. And also appreciate that the cost of touring, using stadiums and so on will be rising for the artists themselves, but Adele's got 80k people over 20 nights if I'm not mistaken? Average ticket price £300 (conservative guess), that's half a billion comfortably. Greed... isn't she a working class hero...?
  3. was looking at this myself - simply abhorrent. Pure greed by everyone involved.
  4. What sort of food is no bones jones?
  5. thanks, will sort the £10 bundle before hand as for a few reasons need some decent connectivity weds/thurs and 3 is a crock of sh*t
  6. thanks! was looking at the contract page 🙄
  7. with the greatest respect, f**k that!
  8. does anyone know the latest best value option to get a voda sim? they've got £29 for a month 6gb data on their site. better to go with lebara or similar? Thanks
  9. Very anxious and very excited, a difficult mix!
  10. Had to go back with ID then to be told they couldn’t do it 🙄🙄
  11. You’ll need to go into store and ask - I’ve been with 3 for years but they told me I’m still on the old platform (or something) so can’t have an E-sim
  12. Three are the pits. You get frig all on site. went in the store to get an E-sim, oh no we can’t do that on your contract. think I’m going to switch numbers completely for the week to keep in touch.
  13. something very strange happening when I try and find the app on apple store - or click a direct link - totally disappeared
  14. Are all the bars mapped and labelled up anywhere? As per other thread I'm awful at knowing where different ones are
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