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Shaka Hislop

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  1. Looking for one ticket for today if anyone is selling thanks
  2. Had a lot of fomo today not being able to make it to this. Fantastic line up. Anyone able to report on how it was?
  3. Had quite the fomo over the weekend about not getting to this. Any reports on how it was?
  4. Shame The Walkmen were on so early. I'd have loved to have seen them in that Black Midi slot in the tent.
  5. Anyone see The Itch? The blurb in the program has me more intrigued. A band containing "familiar faces" apparently.
  6. Who's the most likely main stage headliner? Squid or Princess Nokia?
  7. Shaka Hislop


    No sound issues where I was centre back of the golden circle. Sounded absolutely perfect. Brilliant gig and a near ideal setlist with them leaning into my fav album Modern Life Is Rubbish. Advert a big highlight I thought.
  8. Surely some additions to be announced soon for the Strokes day
  9. Surprised by the positivity in the comments here to be honest. Thought it was pretty poorly organized over all. Was about a 40 minute queue to get in at approx 2pm. Quite frustrating to then see less than half of the entrance lanes being used. Some odd decisions with stages. Jockstrap should've been on a far bigger stage. Sound in general very poor. Seemed to take them an age to get Alex G in any way listenable. Sound for Tirzah was laughably bad. Also a bit of an issue with sound bleeding from one stage to the next. Anyone know what the controversy was during BCNR's set? Was there an issue with what the Oh Sees were doing on the side of the stage? Weird seeing them have that group huddle mid set. Positives were the crowd being sound, great weather and best band of the day was comfortably Gilla Band.
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