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  1. I just find it insane how the whole International aspect of it has been binned, a fair few of the international acts got put on early almost as if to get people in early and get them spending. The social media posts and emails aren’t translated, I mean I get it’s a Spanish festival 😂 but it was called international for a reason. Gutted to see it fall as far and as hard as it has.
  2. This lot seem hopeless this year. Announce they’re going to confirm more acts then only announce 3? They’ve all but abandoned Twitter as a social media output. I remember years ago Twitter used to be abuzz with hype around the festival, now you search their handle and there’s absolutely nothing. Glad I didn’t book early this year
  3. Went all 3, 2019 as well, I remember feeling disappointed by 2019 as they promised us all sorts and never delivered…but I’d give my left bollock to have anything like 2019s line up again over there
  4. I can’t see many Brits or Irish making the trip again, sad to see, had some belting times over there, I can’t see how it’ll make any money this year. Acts seem weak as piss and 90% of comments are negative. But I Suppsoed for €44 if you’re semi local it’s daft to not go
  5. Have the libertines dropped out? Surely they’d have been announced before the acts they’ve just announced
  6. Ignore that, just seen this wade character has been announced
  7. “More surprises today” apparently…so I’m just expecting yungblud (cannot stand) and the libertines.
  8. Maybe black eyed peas were a later booking? I’m hoping it means the leak wasn’t genuine….I know it’s only a 5% chance but just let me pretend for now 😂
  9. I made the mistake of listening to a few of the acts I’d never heard of, the teskey brothers seemed talented but f**k me they’re slow paced, so lord knows where they’re going to fit in. Samurai were shite, I just find it astounding how far it’s fell, it’s sad to see
  10. I know it’s the whole “well it’s a Spanish festival what do you expect?!” But it does say international festival in the name. I know from previous years lots of Spanish have said thag it’s an opportunity to see acts from over seas, it just seems so domesticated in the last few years…it baffles me how they can make any money selling tickets at €44
  11. How would you rate this year? Hearing mixed reviews from the people I know who went and videos of almost empty crowds for some acts.For me it’s being in the sun and listening to music. For the price if a weekend ticket there’s only so much you can expect. But hopefully with 1 night less next year having the a budget for 4 nights crammed into 3 should meant a more stacked out bill?
  12. I’ll be the first to admit my Spanish isn’t up to much (around 0%). So is this a new buy out from the company who took over in 2019? That was my last year, obviously 2020 and 2021 were victims to covid. There’s not been enough there for me the last two years to get me back there…mainly due to the extortionate hotel prices 😂 but I’ve been toying with a return in 2024…the idea of maybe new investment will really prick my ears up.
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